Learn Alteryx from scratch on DataCamp

Alteryx is an intuitive data analytics and automation tool that unleashes the power of analytics for non-technical teams. Through DataCamp’s partnership, organizations can go from no experience to earning an official Alteryx Designer Core Certification and leveraging Alteryx’s features in their workflows. The best part? Everything is already included in your DataCamp subscription.

  • Official certification partner
  • Ready built track
  • No installation needed
  • Free Alteryx Certification
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Pass the Alteryx Designer Core Certification

The track is built in collaboration with Alteryx to pass the Alteryx Designer Core Certification exam. It tests your knowledge of the “core” toolset in Designer and your ability to apply knowledge and tools to solve real-world problems. The core toolset includes the Preparation, Parse, Join, and Transform tools—vital when using Alteryx Designer, specifically for data preparation and analysis.

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Learn Alteryx with DataCamp

Upskill your organization with Alteryx

Regardless of skill level, tailor your L&D plan to enable all employees to start using and benefiting from Alteryx’s analytics tooling.

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Complete the Alteryx fundamentals track

Seamlessly build an analytics-driven team from scratch through a structured, interactive learning path.

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Get certified with the Alteryx Designer core certification

Validate skills with an industry-leading certification. Drive confidence with analytics, improve decision-making, and prove the ROI of your upskilling program.

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Alteryx worflow

Automate your workflows with Alteryx

After completing the track, you’ll be ready to pass the Alteryx Designer Core Certification exam. Set up your first Alteryx workflows, apply best practices, and perform intermediate data analytics tasks from A-Z. Importantly, Alteryx will enable you to set up and automate data pipelines and solve real-world problems to improve decision-making.

What is Alteryx Designer Desktop?

Alteryx Designer Desktop is a low-code data analytics and automation tool. Through drag-and-drop tools, users can create complex data pipelines. It offers many data analytics functionalities that Python, R, and SQL offer without requiring coding knowledge.

Learn through interactive content

Course videos are all supported by interactive-in-browser Alteryx exercises that empower your team to apply new skills while being guided by expert instructors. This learning approach builds confidence by applying new knowledge immediately. Best of all, you don’t need to install Alteryx on your local machine to get your hands dirty!

Get in touch about upskilling your organisation with Alteryx.

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Do I need to pay for an Alteryx licence on top of a Teams/Enterprise DataCamp subscription?

No. Alteryx is included for everyone who has a Teams/Enterprise subscription. Everyone who has access to DataCamp, will be able to take the courses and prepare to become Alteryx Designer Core Certified.

Do I need to pay for the Alteryx Designer Core certification?

The Alteryx Designer Core Certification exam can be taken for free. The exam is taken online and on-demand, with a total allotted time of 2.5 hours. There are 80 questions, including multiple-choice, practical application, matching, and multiple-response questions.

What is the Alteryx Intelligence suite?

The Alteryx Intelligence suite is the section of Alteryx that focuses on machine learning and data science. It includes drag-and-drop tools to perform advanced analytics and helps automate data science processes through a feature store. Its target personas are data scientists and data and machine learning engineers.

Is the Alteryx Intelligence suite covered in the track?

The Alteryx intelligence suite is not part of the Alteryx Designer Core certification and is not covered in the Alteryx Fundamentals track.

How does active learning help to build data skills?

Active learning builds skills faster and more confidently. It engage learners in deeper learning and allows them to apply and transfer their knowledge more effectively. It also promotes higher order thinking skills such as analysis.

What are the benefits of active learning?

Active learning has been shown to engage learners more with the course material, build confidence in applying new knowledge and skills, and promote higher learning retention. According to Dale’s Cone of Experience, ‘learning by doing’ or active learning helps learners to retain at least 90% of the learning materials within a course. It also increases both engagement and learners’ motivation to learn through more active participation.