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SQL Window Functions Cheat Sheet

With this SQL Window Functions cheat sheet, you'll have a handy reference guide to the various types of window functions in SQL.
Oct 23, 2022  · 10 min read

SQL, also known as Structured Query Language, is a powerful tool to search through large amounts of data and return specific information for analysis. Learning SQL is crucial for anyone aspiring to be a data analyst, data engineer, or data scientist, and helpful in many other fields such as web development or marketing. 

In this cheat sheet, you'll find a handy collection of information about window functions in SQL including what they are and how to construct them.

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Example dataset

We will use a dataset on the sales of bicycles as a sample. This dataset includes:

The [product] table

The product table contains the types of bicycles sold, their model year, and list price.

The [order] table

The order table contains the order_id and its date.

The [order_items] table

The order_items table lists the orders of a bicycle store. For each order_id, there are several products sold (product_id). Each product_id has a discount value.

What are Window Functions?

A window function makes a calculation across multiple rows that are related to the current row. For example, a window function allows you to calculate:

  • Running totals (i.e. sum values from all the rows before the current row)
  • 7-day moving averages (i.e. average values from 7 rows before the current row)
  • Rankings 

Similar to an aggregate function (GROUP BY), a window function performs the operation across multiple rows. Unlike an aggregate function, a window function does not group rows into one single row. 


Windows can be defined in the SELECT section of the query.

    window_function() OVER(
         PARTITION BY partition_expression
         ORDER BY order_expression
    ) AS window_column_alias
    FROM table_name

To reuse the same window with several window functions, define a named window using the WINDOW keyword. This appears in the query after the HAVING section and before the ORDER BY section.

    window_function() OVER(window_name)
    FROM table_name
    [HAVING ...]
    WINDOW window_name AS (
         PARTITION BY partition_expression
         ORDER BY order_expression
    [ORDER BY ...]

Order by

ORDER BY is a subclause within the OVER clause. ORDER BY changes the basis on which the function assigns numbers to rows.

It is a must-have for window functions that assign sequences to rows, including RANK and ROW_NUMBER. For example, if we ORDER BY the expression price on an ascending order, then the lowest-priced item will have the lowest rank.

Let's compare the following two queries which differ only in the ORDER BY clause

   /* Rank price from LOW->HIGH */
       RANK() OVER 
          (ORDER BY list_price ASC) rank
   FROM products

   /* Rank price from HIGH->LOW */
       RANK() OVER 
          (ORDER BY list_price DESC) rank
   FROM products

Partition by

We can use PARTITION BY together with OVER to specify the column over which the aggregation is performed. 

Comparing PARTITION BY with GROUP BY, we find the following similarity and difference:

Just like GROUP BY, the OVER subclause splits the rows into as many partitions as there are unique values in a column.

However, while the result of a GROUP BY aggregates all rows, the result of a window function using PARTITION BY aggregates each partition independently. Without the PARTITION BY clause, the result set is one single partition.

For example, using GROUP BY, we can calculate the average price of bicycles per model year using the following query.

   AVG(list_price) avg_price
FROM products
GROUP BY model_year

What if we want to compare each product’s price with the average price of that year? To do that, we use the AVG() window function and PARTITION BY the model year, as such.

   AVG(list_price) OVER 
     (PARTITION BY model_year) 
   FROM products

Notice how the avg_price of 2018 is exactly the same whether we use the PARTITION BY clause or the GROUP BY clause.

Window frame extent

A window frame is the selected set of rows in the partition over which aggregation will occur. Put simply, they are a set of rows that are somehow related to the current row. 

A window frame is defined by a lower bound and an upper bound relative to the current row. The lowest possible bound is the first row, which is known as UNBOUNDED PRECEDING. The highest possible bound is the last row, which is known as UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING. For example, if we only want to get 5 rows before the current row, then we will specify the range using 5 PRECEDING.

Accompanying Material 

You can use this to run any of the queries explained in this cheat sheet.

Ranking window functions

There are several window functions for assigning rankings to rows. Each of these functions requires an ORDER BY sub-clause within the OVER clause. 

The following are the ranking window functions and their description:

Function Syntax

Function Description

Additional notes


Assigns a sequential integer to each row within the partition of a result set.

Row numbers are not repeated within each partition.


Assigns a rank number to each row in a partition.

  • Tied values are given the same rank.
  • The next rankings are skipped.


Assigns the rank number of each row in a partition as a percentage.

  • Tied values are given the same rank.
  • Computed as the fraction of rows less than the current row, i.e., the rank of row divided by the largest rank in the partition.


Distributes the rows of a partition into a specified number of buckets.

  • For example, if we perform the window function NTILE(5) on a table with 100 rows, they will be in bucket 1, rows 21 to 40 in bucket 2, rows 41 to 60 in bucket 3, et cetera.


The cumulative distribution: the percentage of rows less than or equal to the current row.

  • It returns a value larger than 0 and at most 1. 
  • Tied values are given the same cumulative distribution value.

We can use these functions to rank the product according to their prices.

   /* Rank all products by price */
   ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY list_price) AS row_num,
   DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY list_price) AS dense_rank,
   RANK() OVER (ORDER BY list_price) AS rank,
   PERCENT_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY list_price) AS pct_rank,
   NTILE(75) OVER (ORDER BY list_price) AS ntile,
   CUME_DIST() OVER (ORDER BY list_price) AS cume_dist
FROM products

Value window functions

FIRST_VALUE() and LAST_VALUE() retrieve the first and last value respectively from an ordered list of rows, where the order is defined by ORDER BY.

Value window function


FIRST_VALUE(value_to_return) OVER (ORDER BY value_to_order_by)

Returns the first value in an ordered set of values 

LAST_VALUE(value_to_return) OVER (ORDER BY value_to_order_by)

Returns the last value in an ordered set of values 

NTH_VALUE(value_to_return, n) OVER (ORDER BY value_to_order_by)

Returns the nth value in an ordered set of values.

To compare the price of a particular bicycle model with the cheapest (or most expensive) alternative, we can use the FIRST_VALUE (or LAST_VALUE). 

   /* Find the difference in price from the cheapest alternative */
  FIRST_VALUE(list_price) OVER (
     ORDER BY list_price 
     ) AS cheapest_price,
FROM products
  /* Find the difference in price from the priciest alternative */
   LAST_VALUE(list_price) OVER (
     ORDER BY list_price 
     ) AS highest_price
FROM products

Aggregate window functions

Aggregate functions available for GROUP BY, such as COUNT(), MIN(), MAX(), SUM(), and AVG() are also available as window functions.

Function Syntax

Function Description

COUNT(expression) OVER (PARTITION BY partition_column)

Count the number of rows that have a non-null expression in the partition.

MIN(expression) OVER (PARTITION BY partition_column)

Find the minimum of the expression in the partition.

MAX(expression) OVER (PARTITION BY partition_column)

Find the maximum of the expression in the partition.

AVG(expression) OVER (PARTITION BY partition_column)

Find the mean (average) of the expression in the partition.

Suppose we want to find the average, maximum and minimum discount for each product, we can achieve it as such.

   AVG(discount) OVER (PARTITION BY product_id) AS avg_discount,
   MIN(discount) OVER (PARTITION BY product_id) AS min_discount,
   MAX(discount) OVER (PARTITION BY product_id) AS max_discount
FROM order_items


The LEAD and LAG locate a row relative to the current row.

Function Syntax

Function Description

LEAD(expression [,offset[,default_value]]) OVER(ORDER BY columns)

Accesses the value stored in a row after the current row.

LAG(expression [,offset[,default_value]]) OVER(ORDER BY columns)

Accesses the value stored in a row before the current row.

Both LEAD and LAG take three arguments:

  • Expression: the name of the column from which the value is retrieved
  • Offset: the number of rows to skip. Defaults to 1.
  • Default_value: the value to be returned if the value retrieved is null. Defaults to NULL.

With LAG and LEAD, you must specify ORDER BY in the OVER clause.

LEAD and LAG are most commonly used to find the value of a previous row or the next row. For example, they are useful for calculating the year-on-year increase of business metrics like revenue.

Here is an example of using lag to compare this year's sales to last year's.

   /* Find the number of orders in a year */
WITH yearly_orders AS (
	year(order_date) AS year,
	COUNT(DISTINCT order_id) AS num_orders
	FROM sales.orders
	GROUP BY year(order_date)
/* Compare this year's sales to last year's */
   LAG(num_orders) OVER (ORDER BY year) last_year_order,
   LAG(num_orders) OVER (ORDER BY year) - num_orders diff_from_last_year
FROM yearly_orders

Similarly, we can make a comparison of each year's order with the next year's.

   /* Find the number of orders in a year */
WITH yearly_orders AS (
	year(order_date) AS year,
	COUNT(DISTINCT order_id) AS num_orders
	FROM sales.orders
	GROUP BY year(order_date)
/* Compare the number of years compared to next year */
   LEAD(num_orders) OVER (ORDER BY year) next_year_order,
   LEAD(num_orders) OVER (ORDER BY year) - num_orders diff_from_next_year
FROM yearly_orders


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