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Everyone Can Learn Data

Looking to get started in data science? This is your chance to learn Python, R, or SQL online and use your new skills to win $5,000 to support further learning, buy equipment and software, or fund your educational projects.

Two challenges will test your coding skills you gained from beginner courses on either Python, R, or SQL. Pair them with the help of our AI assistant and your creative thinking skills and win $5,000 for your future data science studies!

The top 100 most upvoted submissions will be assessed by two expert judges. The entrant with the best data analysis notebook will be deemed the winner - please see further for a full breakdown of the marking criteria.

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Two challenges

Dinosaur records 🦕

You're applying for a summer internship at a national museum for natural history. The museum recently created a database containing all dinosaur records of past field campaigns. Your job is to dive into the fossil records to find some interesting insights, and advise the museum on the quality of the data.

Some questions to get you started:

- How many different dinosaur names are present in the data?
- Which was the largest dinosaur?
- What dinosaur type has the most occurrences in this dataset? Create a visualization (table, bar chart, or equivalent) to display the number of dinosaurs per type.
- Did dinosaurs get bigger over time? 

Understanding movie magic 🎥

You have just been hired by a large movie studio to perform data analysis. Your manager, an executive at the company, wants to make new movies that "recapture the magic of old Hollywood." So you've decided to look at the most successful films to help generate ideas that could turn into future successful films.

Some questions to get you started:

- How many movies are present in the database?
- There seems to be a lot of missing data in the gross and budget columns. How many rows have missing data? What would you recommend your manager to do with these rows?
- What are the top five countries in terms of number of movies produced?
- What is the average duration of English versus French movies? 

Scholarship Awards


for the winner to use towards further learning or formal education


for four runners-up to support their education

How to Apply

Step 1

Sign In

Sign in to DataCamp to see the competition. If you don't have an account yet, you can sign up for free!

Sign In
Step 2


Go to the scholarship submission page and submit your entry before the application deadline.

Practice to Win

We recommend that you take two introductory courses (R, Python, or SQL) before you get started with your entry. You can find the recommended courses in the competition.

Application Dates

Applications will be open from January 15th, 2024, until June 28th, 2024. The scholarship winner and runners-up will be announced around the end of June 2024 and will be directly contacted before this date.


The scholarship is open to secondary and undergraduate students and other students preparing for graduate-level studies (getting their Bachelor's degree). Postgraduate students (PhDs) or graduate students (Master's degrees) cannot apply. Please see the terms and conditions for further details and exclusions.

Selecting the Recipients

Two independent judges will assess the top 100 most upvoted submissions. The total score will depend on response quality (65%), storytelling (20%), and presentation (15%). Please see the scholarship application page for a full breakdown of the marking criteria. In the event of a tie, DataCamp reserves the right to determine a winner based on other criteria, such as XP.

Let's do some data science

Enroll in Scholarship