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DataCamp Portfolios Group Challenge!

DataCamp Group Portfolios Challenge is a competition for nonprofit DataCamp Donates partner organizations to encourage their scholars and admins to showcase their data skills by crafting and sharing their DataCamp Portfolios.

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Competition Timeline

All dates and times are at 6:00 a.m. Eastern Time.

Feb 26th

Challenge Starts

Mar 20th

Challenge Ends

Mar 28th

Winners Announced

Prizes That Make a Difference

🥇 1st Place

  • $3,000 Donation to your nonprofit.
  • 6-month coupon codes for the top 50 portfolio creators

🥈 2nd Place

  • $2,000 Donation to your nonprofit.
  • 6-month coupon codes for the top 10 portfolio creators.

🥉 3rd Place

  • $1,000 Donation to your nonprofit.
  • 6-month coupon codes for the top 10 portfolio creators.

🎖️ 4th-5th Place

  • $500 Donation to your nonprofit.
  • 6-month coupon codes for the top 10 portfolio creators.

How to Participate

By entering The DataCamp Portfolios Group Challenge you agree to the Official Rules of the contest.

🚀 Group Admins

Group Admins need to:

  • Collect the top 10 portfolios from their group.
  • Send the LinkedIn posts to the DataCamp Team.
Submit Top 10 Portfolios

🤩 Group Members

Group Members need to:

  • Complete Your Portfolio. See portfolio tips below.
  • Share on LinkedIn: Tag @DataCamp, tag your organization, and use the #DataCampPortfolioChallenge.

Judging Criteria

The criteria that will determine the winners will be based on two factors, percentage of engagement (20%) of the group and quality of portfolios (80%).

💍 Engagement

  • Engagement will be determined based on the total percentage of group members who complete and share a portfolio.
  • For example, if your group contains 100 members, and 90 complete and share their portfolio, you will receive a score of 90%.

🎩 Quality

  • The overall quality of the top 10 portfolios, as evaluated by our panel.
  • Group admins will be asked to select the top 10 portfolios from their group, which will be evaluated by the DataCamp team based on the variety of projects and creativity. See recommendations below.

Top Data Portfolio Examples

If you need some inspiration, we have grouped some of the top portfolios from our community.

See More Portfolios

How to create a top Data Portfolio

Is there a recommended number of projects I should add to my data portfolio?

Yes, a minimum of three projects is required. Eventhough there is no maximum, we recommend to focus on your top projects. Quantity is not always better when it comes to data portfolios.

How to create a completed data portfolio?

Only the following portfolios will be eligible for the competition:

  • Portfolios where a full name is included (note this can also be an avatar name or a nickname)
  • Portfolios where affiliation is included (e.g., education, company, etc..)
  • Portfolios containing a profile image (note this can be an avatar, an AI-generated image, etc..)
  • Portfolios containing a short description in the about me section (more than 100 characters)
  • Portfolios with a filled-out “Work & Education” section
  • Portfolios with at least three work entries signifying contributions to data science—this can be anything of the following:
    • A link to a project hosted online (GitHub, Tableau Public Page, DataCamp Workspace, Google Colab, etc..)
    • A link towards an article/publication on your own self-hosted blog post or an external publication (DataCamp Blog, Towards Data Science, Medium, LinkedIn Post, etc...)
    • Note: courses do not count towards a completed portfolio.

Which projects should I add to my data portfolio?

The cornerstone of any portfolio is projects! Naturally, this is why projects carry the most weight while we evaluate winning portfolios. Projects will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  1. The number of self-led projects you’ve created for your portfolio (By self-led, we mean where you choose to work with a dataset of your choosing — as such, DataCamp Projects do not apply here)
  2. The originality of your projects, from the datasets used to the techniques and analysis you apply
  3. The variety of the use cases in your projects. If projects pertain to different industries, use cases, and technologies—that is a plus.
  4. The presentation and storytelling in the projects (i.e., if your projects are presented and introduced effectively).

Important to note: In the spirit of an even playing field, we do not have a preference between DataCamp Workspace and other cloud-based IDEs (Google Colab, etc..) or platforms to post a notebook (e.g., uploading to GitHub). If a data project can be posted there, it is eligible.

You can find even more information in the competition's Terms & Conditions.

Which groups can participate in this competition?

Only pre-selected DataCamp Donates groups can participate in this competition. A member of the DataCamp Donates team will reach out to your group admin if your group is elegible.

How to select top portfolios?

We recommend to evaluate all portfolios equally and fairly. Here is the criteria we internally use at DataCamp:

  • Completeness: Does the portfolio have sufficient information, projects, and relevant skills?
  • Quality and diversity of projects: Does the portfolio show projects of great quality, unique, and diverse?
  • Storytelling: Does the portfolio convey the user's story and experience?

How should admins submit the top 10 portfolios?

Before March 20th, 09:00 (EST: UTC−05:00) admins should:

  • Gather the top portfolios from their group and their respective LinkedIn posts.
  • Provide the LinkedIn post URLs for the top 10 portfolios by using this Google Form.

Resources for building a great data portfolio

This is your chance to be creative and think outside the box. Here are some resources if you need inspiration.