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Grzegorz Gąsiewski has completed

Database Design

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4 hours
4,150 XP
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Course Description

A good database design is crucial for a high-performance application. Just like you wouldn't start building a house without the benefit of a blueprint, you need to think about how your data will be stored beforehand. Taking the time to design a database saves time and frustration later on, and a well-designed database ensures ease of access and retrieval of information. While choosing a design, a lot of considerations have to be accounted for. In this course, you'll learn how to process, store, and organize data in an efficient way. You'll see how to structure data through normalization and present your data with views. Finally, you'll learn how to manage your database and all of this will be done on a variety of datasets from book sales, car rentals, to music reviews.
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  1. 1

    Processing, Storing, and Organizing Data


    Start your journey into database design by learning about the two approaches to data processing, OLTP and OLAP. In this first chapter, you'll also get familiar with the different forms data can be stored in and learn the basics of data modeling.

    Play Chapter Now
    OLTP and OLAP
    50 xp
    OLAP vs. OLTP
    100 xp
    Which is better?
    50 xp
    Storing data
    50 xp
    Name that data type!
    100 xp
    Ordering ETL Tasks
    100 xp
    Recommend a storage solution
    50 xp
    Database design
    50 xp
    Classifying data models
    100 xp
    Deciding fact and dimension tables
    100 xp
    Querying the dimensional model
    100 xp
  2. 2

    Database Schemas and Normalization

    In this chapter, you will take your data modeling skills to the next level. You'll learn to implement star and snowflake schemas, recognize the importance of normalization and see how to normalize databases to different extents.

    Play Chapter Now
  3. 3

    Database Views

    Get ready to work with views! In this chapter, you will learn how to create and query views. On top of that, you'll master more advanced capabilities to manage them and end by identifying the difference between materialized and non-materialized views.

    Play Chapter Now
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SQL Server DeveloperSQL Server for Database Administrators


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Lis Sulmont HeadshotLis Sulmont

Content Program Manager at Duolingo

Lis holds a Master's degree in Computer Science from McGill University with a focus on computer science education research and applied machine learning. She's passionate about teaching all things related to data and improving the accessibility of these topics.
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