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Grzegorz Gąsiewski has completed

Intermediate Data Visualization with Seaborn

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4 hours
4,200 XP
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Loved by learners at thousands of companies

Course Description

Do you want to make beautiful, informative visualizations with ease? If so, then you must learn seaborn! Seaborn is a visualization library that is an essential part of the python data science toolkit. In this course, you will learn how to use seaborn's sophisticated visualization tools to analyze multiple real world datasets including the American Housing Survey, college tuition data, and guests from the popular television series, The Daily Show. Following this course, you will be able to use seaborn functions to visualize your data in several different formats and customize seaborn plots for your unique needs.
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  1. 1

    Seaborn Introduction


    Introduction to the Seaborn library and where it fits in the Python visualization landscape.

    Play Chapter Now
    Introduction to Seaborn
    50 xp
    Seaborn foundation
    50 xp
    Reading a csv file
    100 xp
    Comparing a histogram and displot
    100 xp
    Using the distribution plot
    50 xp
    Plot a histogram
    100 xp
    Rug plot and kde shading
    100 xp
    Interpreting the results
    50 xp
    Regression Plots in Seaborn
    50 xp
    Create a regression plot
    100 xp
    Plotting multiple variables
    100 xp
    Facetting multiple regressions
    100 xp
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US Housing and Urban Development FY 2018 Fair Market RentWashington DC Bike Share2018 College Scorecard TuitionDaily Show GuestsAutomobile Insurance Premiums2010 US School Improvement Grants


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