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Grzegorz Gąsiewski has completed

Introduction to Relational Databases in SQL

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4 hours
3,600 XP
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Course Description

Explore the Role of SQL in Relational Database Management

There are a lot of reasons why SQL is the go-to query language for relational database management. The main one is that SQL is a powerful language that can handle large amounts of data in complex ways and solve tricky analytical questions. In this course, you will gain an introduction to relational databases in SQL.

Learn how to create tables and specify their relationships, as well as how to enforce data integrity. Additionally, discover other unique features of database systems, such as constraints.

Create Your First Database

You begin the course by creating your first database with simple SQL commands. Next, you’ll learn how to update your database as the structure changes by migrating data and deleting tables.

In the final chapter, you will glue tables in foreign keys together and establish relationships that greatly benefit your data quality. Finally, you will run ad hoc analyses on your new database.

Understand the Basics of Relational Databases

By the end of the course, you will gain a basic yet essential understanding of SQL relational databases. They are widely used in various data science fields (from healthcare to finance) and have consequently become one of the crucial languages for data scientists. If you're interested in deepening your knowledge further, you may be interested in our SQL for Database Administrators, SQL Server Developer, and SQL Server for Database Administrators Tracks.
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  1. 1

    Your first database


    In this chapter, you'll create your very first database with a set of simple SQL commands. Next, you'll migrate data from existing flat tables into that database. You'll also learn how meta-information about a database can be queried.

    Play Chapter Now
    Introduction to relational databases
    50 xp
    Attributes of relational databases
    50 xp
    Query information_schema with SELECT
    100 xp
    Tables: At the core of every database
    50 xp
    CREATE your first few TABLEs
    100 xp
    100 xp
    Update your database as the structure changes
    50 xp
    RENAME and DROP COLUMNs in affiliations
    100 xp
    100 xp
    Delete tables with DROP TABLE
    100 xp
  2. 3

    Uniquely identify records with key constraints

    Now let’s get into the best practices of database engineering. It's time to add primary and foreign keys to the tables. These are two of the most important concepts in databases, and are the building blocks you’ll use to establish relationships between tables.

    Play Chapter Now
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In other tracks

SQL Server for Database Administrators


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Intermediate SQL
Timo Grossenbacher HeadshotTimo Grossenbacher

Head of Newsroom Automation at Tamedia

Timo Grossenbacher is Head of Newsroom Automation at Swiss publisher Tamedia. Prior to that, he used to be a data journalist working with the Swiss Public Broadcast (SRF), where he used scripting and databases for almost every data-driven story he published. He also teaches data journalism at the University of Zurich and is the creator of – resources for doing data journalism with R. Follow him at grssnbchr on Twitter or visit his personal website.
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