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Grzegorz Gąsiewski avatar

Grzegorz Gąsiewski has completed

Building and Optimizing Triggers in SQL Server

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4 hours
3,800 XP
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Course Description

Auditing your SQL Server database and keeping data integrity can be a challenging task for DBAs and database developers. SQL Server triggers are special types of stored procedures designed to help you achieve consistency and integrity of your database. This course will teach you how to work with triggers and use them in real-life examples. Specifically, you will learn about the use cases and limitations of triggers and get practice designing and implementing them. You will also learn to optimize triggers to fit your specific needs.
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  1. 1

    Introduction to Triggers


    An introduction to the basic concepts of SQL Server triggers. Create your first trigger using T-SQL code. Learn how triggers are used and what alternatives exist.

    Play Chapter Now
    50 xp
    Types of trigger
    50 xp
    Creating your first trigger
    100 xp
    Practicing creating triggers
    100 xp
    How DML triggers are used
    50 xp
    When to use triggers
    50 xp
    Creating a trigger to keep track of data changes
    100 xp
    Trigger alternatives
    50 xp
    Triggers vs. stored procedures
    100 xp
    Triggers vs. computed columns
    100 xp
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Database Developer

I am an experienced database developer with over 7 years of expertise in SQL Server development and administration. I also use PowerShell actively for process and task automation and deployments. In recent years, I have developed a new passion for Azure services for migration and maintenance, diving further into moving on-premise services to cloud, which I truly believe is the future. I'm a proactive, results-oriented team player. I always want to learn new things and seek new challenges that will contribute to my professional development, and also feel accomplished when I can bring new knowledge to other people.
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