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Course Description
Learn how to clear and analyze data in spreadsheets, discover how to use built-in functions to sort and filter data, and use the VLOOKUP function to combine data from different tables. The skills taught in the course can be applied to various industries, such as finance and marketing.
You'll explore the data behind the moons of the Solar System, clean and prepare data on the highest-grossing films, and analyze employee expenses, manufacturing costs, and educational programs to see how your new skills can be applied across industries.
These spreadsheets skills, functions, and time-saving shortcuts can be applied to any industry, whether you’re looking to move to a career in data analysis, or looking to improve your skills in marketing, finance, HR, logistics, and more.
Perform Data Analysis in Spreadsheets
Spreadsheets are the world's most popular data analytics tool. Companies and institutions worldwide use it to transform mountains of raw data into clear insights. Strong spreadsheet skills can open new career paths, make you more employable in various industries, and save hours in your daily tasks.Clean and Analyze Real-World Data
The course begins by exploring how spreadsheets handle data. You’ll learn to summarize your data using statistics and manipulate it using handy built-in functions to sort, filter, and even extract unique values.You'll explore the data behind the moons of the Solar System, clean and prepare data on the highest-grossing films, and analyze employee expenses, manufacturing costs, and educational programs to see how your new skills can be applied across industries.
Learn How to Use VLOOKUP
Later chapters in this course will teach you how to analyze your data, including using conditional functions, creating logical expressions, and performing conditional aggregation. You’ll also learn to use ‘the most important function in spreadsheets,’ VLOOKUP, to combine data from different tables before testing your understanding in hands-on exercises.These spreadsheets skills, functions, and time-saving shortcuts can be applied to any industry, whether you’re looking to move to a career in data analysis, or looking to improve your skills in marketing, finance, HR, logistics, and more.
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Exploring Data
FreeLearn how data analyst skills in spreadsheets can help you draw clearer insights from data. In this chapter, you'll learn how built-in functions can streamline your spreadsheet workflows and improve the readability of your formulas. You'll learn data exploration techniques, such as calculating summary statistics and manipulations like sorting and filtering.
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Cleaning and Preparing Data
It is often said that data professionals spend 80% of their time cleaning data and only 20% analyzing it. In this chapter, you'll learn useful functions for cleaning text and DateTime data, two of the trickiest data types to clean. You'll extract date and time components, calculate intervals, and perform a host of common text manipulations on a dataset of the highest-grossing films.
Extracting date and time components50 xpExtracting years and months100 xpExtracting weekday components100 xpCalculating date intervals50 xpHow long has it been?100 xpIntervals between observations100 xpCleaning text data50 xpChanging cases100 xpCombining text data100 xpManipulating text data50 xpCounting characters100 xpExtracting characters100 xpSubstituting characters100 xp - 3
Analyzing Data
In this chapter, you'll learn to draw insights from your data. You'll perform complex calculations using conditional functions, logical expressions, and conditional aggregation functions. You'll also learn and apply the most important spreadsheet function: VLOOKUP!
Conditional functions and logic50 xpLogical expressions100 xpCalculating product costs100 xpEvaluting employee performance100 xpConditional aggregations50 xpAnalyzing expenses with conditional aggregation100 xpNumber of reports by person and type100 xpTotal expenditure by person and type100 xpVLOOKUP50 xpUnsorted lookups100 xpSorted lookups100 xpCongratulations!50 xp
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Kickstarter GamesMoons of the Solar SystemHighest Grossing FilmsManufacturing CostsEmployee ExpensesEducational Programscollaborators

Introduction to Google Sheets
Data Science & AI Curriculum Manager, DataCamp
James is a Curriculum Manager at DataCamp, where he collaborates with experts from industry and academia to create courses on AI, data science, and analytics. He has led nine DataCamp courses on diverse topics in Python, R, AI developer tooling, and Google Sheets. He has a Master's degree in Physics and Astronomy from Durham University, where he specialized in high-redshift quasar detection. In his spare time, he enjoys restoring retro toys and electronics.
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