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Grzegorz Gąsiewski has completed

Data Modeling in Power BI

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3 hours
2,050 XP
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Loved by learners at thousands of companies

Course Description

Foundations of Data Modelling

Proper data modeling is the foundation of data analysis and creating reports in Power BI. This course lets you explore a toolbox of data cleaning, shaping, and loading techniques, which you can apply to your data.

Diving into Power Query

You'll get to know how to choose between Power Query and Power BI, and discover the foundations of data modeling by going into star and snowflake schemas. You'll apply all of this to real-world datasets issued by the United States Census Bureau.
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  1. 1

    Defining Tables


    Proper data analysis relies on proper data modeling. This first chapter covers the basic concepts and teaches you how to set up and load data from multiple sources.

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    Data modeling and table properties
    50 xp
    Power Query vs. Power BI
    50 xp
    Load and transform data
    50 xp
    Loading a CSV
    100 xp
    Rounding, replacement, and sorting
    100 xp
    Data categorization and visibility
    100 xp
    Working with string columns
    100 xp
  2. 2

    Shaping Tables

    In this chapter, we continue comparing Power Query and Power BI practices. Later, you will exercise combining tables and column extraction on Power BI.

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  3. 3

    Dimensional Modeling

    In this chapter, you'll learn more about one of the most popular approaches to data modeling. You'll get familiar with the basic building blocks of the dimensional model; facts, dimensions, and star schemas.

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  4. 4

    Star and Snowflake schemas

    In this final chapter, you'll continue with an extension of the star schema: the snowflake schema. Lastly, you will have your first practice with performance analyzer in Power BI.

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Kevin Feasel
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Lis Sulmont
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Carl Rosseel
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Nina Spreitzer
Sara Billen HeadshotSara Billen

Data Scientist at DataCamp

Sara is a graduate of a master's degree in Business Engineering and Marketing Analysis. Prior to working at DataCamp she worked as a Data Science consultant for a Belgian IT company. Sara is passionate about education, data science, and business and loves that she is able to combine all of these disciplines in her job at DataCamp.
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Maarten Van den Broeck HeadshotMaarten Van den Broeck

Senior Content Developer at DataCamp

Maarten is an aquatic ecologist and teacher by training and a data scientist by profession. He is also a certified Power BI and Tableau data analyst. After his career as a PhD researcher at KU Leuven, he wished that he had discovered DataCamp sooner. He loves to combine education and data science to develop DataCamp courses. In his spare time, he runs a symphonic orchestra.
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