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Course Description
This course is designed for the Yale University Computational Biology & Bioinformatics (CBB) program's Jamboree. It provides a quick introduction to basic R commands while assuming familiarity with programming concepts. The majority of the course focuses on tidy data analysis using tidyr/dplyr and visualization using ggplot2
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Intro to basics
FreeIn this chapter, based on DataCamp's Intro To R course, you will take your first steps with R. You will learn how to use the console as a calculator and how to assign variables. You will also get to know the basic data types in R. Let's get started!
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Data the Tidy Way
FreeIn this chapter, you will learn some of the fundamentals of taking raw data and cleaning it to form tidy data, the fundamental currency of data science and visualization tools such as ggplot2.
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Beautiful Data
FreeFrom tidy data comes great visualization - learn how to visualize your data using the grammer of graphics.
Introduction to ggplot20 xpThe grammar of ggplot20 xpExploring ggplot20 xpAdding New Aesthetics0 xpRefining our Aesthetics Layer by Layer0 xpAdding Additional Geometries0 xpWhen Layering, Order Matters0 xpA Spoonful of Color Makes the Plot Rock0 xpTheming our Plots0 xpThe Tools for Beautiful Plots0 xp - 4
Application to Expression Data
FreeIn this chapter, you will combine what you learned in the first three chapters to read in, tidy, and visualize gene expression data. Let's get started!
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Extra Credit - Summarising Data
FreeNow at the end of our course, use what you know to take your data science investigations to the next level!
For Business
Training 2 or more people?
Get your team access to the full DataCamp library, with centralized reporting, assignments, projects and moreStefan Avey
See MoreBioinformatics PhD Candidate at Yale University passionate about data science and data visualization in HealthTech and EdTech
Robert Amezquita
See MorePhD Candidate at Yale University Dept. of Immunobiology, with a fondness for (epi)genomics, cooking, dogs, biking, and Rocket League.
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