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Course Description
This DataCamp course has been developed by Tuomo Nieminen and Emma Kämäräinen, under the supervision of adj. prof. Kimmo Vehkalahti. This course works as the Data Science module for the Social Statistics MOOC at the University of Helsinki, Finland.
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R and statistics
FreeBasics of R, the amazing statistical programming language. Do not be afraid of the art of programming!
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Data types and variable types
FreeQuick overview to R data and variable types. What are the objects? You are the subject.
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Looking at the data
FreeData are everywhere and everything. That's why Statistics is also called Data Science. R offers great tools for looking at the data, behind the numbers.
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Exploring variation and dependence
FreeVariation and dependence are at the heart of Statistics. In fact, without variation the discipline would cease to exist. Correlation is not causation, but why?
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Working across the data
FreeCross-tabulations let you explore dependencies hidden deep within discrete variables.
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Subsets and conditions
FreeLet's begin to seek the best conditions for coping with uncertainty.
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Probability distributions
FreeMost things in this world are more or less random, and not evenly distributed.
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FreeGet your brackets ready for diving in the world of statistical inference!
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Hypothesis testing
FreeWe all might be statistically different, but maybe we are part of the 68%.
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FreeNow, pick roles for the variables and start modeling. I predict you are good!
For Business
Training 2 or more people?
Get your team access to the full DataCamp library, with centralized reporting, assignments, projects and moreKimmo Vehkalahti
See More(Super) Social Data Scientist, D.Soc.Sci, Fellow of the Teachers' Academy of Uni HELsinki, running #tilastoMOOC - the 1st Social Statistics MOOC & #IODS, the 1st Open Data Science MOOC in Finland, powered by DataCamp, VuoLearning, and Moodlerooms
Tuomo Nieminen
See MoreStudies statistics and computer science at the University of Helsinki and works at the National Health and Welfare Institute (THL).
Believes that data analysis can make the world a better place.
Petteri Mäntymaa
See MoreStatistics student at the University of Helsinki. Teaching assistant on the statistics courses Helsinki Social Statistics and Introduction to Open Data Science. Part-time R-dude at the Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare. Passtime hobbies include powerlifting, astronomy.
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