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lapply() - apply function over list or vector - output = list
**sapply() ** - apply function over list or vector - try to simplify list to array
vapply() - apply function over list of vector - explicity specify output format
# sapply () and vapply ()
cities <- c("New York", "Paris", "London", "Tokyo",
"Rio de Janerio", "Cape Town")
sapply(cities, nchar)
## vapply ##
## vapply(X, FUN, FUN.VALUE, ... USE.NAMES = TRUE) ##
vapply(cities, nchar, numeric(1))
## vapply() ##
## first_and_last <- function(names) {
## name <- gsub("", "", name)
## letters <- strsplit(name, split = "")[[1]]
## return(c(first = min(letters), last=max(letters)))
sapply(cities, first_and_last)