Netflix Top 10: Analyzing Weekly Chart-Toppers
This dataset comprises Netflix's weekly top 10 lists for the most-watched TV shows and films worldwide. The data spans from June 28, 2021, to August 27, 2023.
This workspace is pre-loaded with two CSV files.
contains columns such asshow_title
, and several view metrics.netflix_top10_country.csv
has information about a show or film's performance by country, contained in the columnscumulative_weeks_in_top_10
We've added some guiding questions for analyzing this exciting dataset! Feel free to make this workspace yours by adding and removing cells, or editing any of the existing cells.
Explore this dataset
To get you started with your analysis...
- Combine the different categories of top 10 lists in a single weekly top 10 list spanning all categories
- Are there consistent trends or patterns in the content format (tv, film) that make it to the top 10 over different weeks or months?
- Explore your country's top 10 trends. Are there unique preferences or regional factors that set your country's list apart from others?
- Visualize popularity ranking over time through time series plots
🔍 Scenario: Understanding the Impact of Content Duration on Netflix's Top 10 Lists
This scenario helps you develop an end-to-end project for your portfolio.
Background: As a data scientist at Netflix, you're tasked with exploring the dataset containing weekly top 10 lists of the most-watched TV shows and films. For example, you're tasked to find out what the relationship is between duration and ranking over time. Answering this question can inform content creators and strategists on how to optimize their offerings for the platform.
Objective: Determine if there's a correlation between content duration and its likelihood of making it to the top 10 lists.
You can query the pre-loaded CSV files using SQL directly. Here’s a sample query:
SELECT nt.category, nt.show_title, MIN(ntc.weekly_rank) AS min_weekly_rank, MAX(ntc.cumulative_weeks_in_top_10) AS max_cumulative_weeks_in_top_10, MAX(nt.runtime) AS max_runtime
FROM netflix_top10_country.csv AS ntc
JOIN netflix_top10.csv AS nt ON ntc.weekly_rank = nt.weekly_rank
WHERE ntc.country_name = 'United States' AND nt.runtime IS NOT NULL AND (nt.category LIKE 'TV (English)' OR nt.category LIKE 'Films (English)')
GROUP BY nt.category, nt.show_title
ORDER BY min_weekly_rank, max_cumulative_weeks_in_top_10 DESC, nt.show_title
import pandas as pd
global_top_10 = pd.read_csv("netflix_top10.csv", index_col=0)
countries_top_10 = pd.read_csv("netflix_top10_country.csv", index_col=0)
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