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Introduction to Data Visualization with Matplotlib
Plotting time-series
# Import pandas as pd
import pandas as pd
# Read the data from file using read_csv
climate_change = pd.read_csv("datasets/climate_change.csv", parse_dates=['date'],index_col='date')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# Add the time-series for "relative_temp" to the plot
# Set the x-axis label
# Set the y-axis label
ax.set_ylabel('Relative temperature (Celsius)')
# Show the figure
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Use plt.subplots to create fig and ax
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# Create variable seventies with data from "1970-01-01" to "1979-12-31"
seventies = climate_change["1970-01-01":"1979-12-31"]
# Add the time-series for "co2" data from seventies to the plot
ax.plot(seventies.index, seventies["co2"])
# Show the figure
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Initalize a Figure and Axes
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# Plot the CO2 variable in blue
ax.plot(climate_change.index, climate_change["co2"], color='blue')
# Create a twin Axes that shares the x-axis
ax2 = ax.twinx()
# Plot the relative temperature in red
ax2.plot(climate_change.index, climate_change["relative_temp"], color="red")
# Define a function called plot_timeseries
def plot_timeseries(axes, x, y, color, xlabel, ylabel):
# Plot the inputs x,y in the provided color
axes.plot(x, y, color=color)
# Set the x-axis label
# Set the y-axis label
axes.set_ylabel(ylabel, color=color)
# Set the colors tick params for y-axis
axes.tick_params('y', colors=color)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# Plot the CO2 levels time-series in blue
plot_timeseries(ax, climate_change.index, climate_change["co2"], "blue", "Time (years)", "CO2 levels")
# Create a twin Axes object that shares the x-axis
ax2 = ax.twinx()
# Plot the relative temperature data in red
plot_timeseries(ax2, climate_change.index, climate_change["relative_temp"], "red", "Time (years)", "Relative temperature (Celsius)")
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# Plot the relative temperature data
ax.plot(climate_change.index, climate_change["relative_temp"])
# Annotate the date at which temperatures exceeded 1 degree
ax.annotate('>1 degree', xy=(pd.Timestamp('2015-10-06'), 1))
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# Plot the CO2 levels time-series in blue
plot_timeseries(ax, climate_change.index,climate_change["co2"], 'blue', "Time (years)", "CO2 levels")
# Create an Axes object that shares the x-axis
ax2 = ax.twinx()
# Plot the relative temperature data in red
plot_timeseries(ax2, climate_change.index , climate_change["relative_temp"], 'red', "Time (years)", "Relative temp (Celsius)")
# Annotate point with relative temperature >1 degree
ax2.annotate(">1 degree", xy=(pd.Timestamp('2015-10-06 00:00:00'), 1), xytext=(pd.Timestamp('2008-10-06'), -0.2),arrowprops={"arrowstyle":"->", "color":"gray"})
Quantitative comparisons and statistical visualizations
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# Plot a bar-chart of gold medals as a function of country,medals["Gold"])
# Set the x-axis tick labels to the country names
ax.set_xticklabels(medals.index, rotation=90)
# Set the y-axis label
ax.set_ylabel("Number of medals")
# Add bars for "Gold" with the label "Gold", medals["Gold"], label="Gold")
# Stack bars for "Silver" on top with label "Silver", medals["Silver"], bottom=medals["Gold"], label="Silver")
# Stack bars for "Bronze" on top of that with label "Bronze", medals["Bronze"], bottom=medals["Gold"] + medals["Silver"], label="Bronze")
# Display the legend
Explore Datasets
Use the DataFrames imported in the first cell to explore the data and practice your skills!
- Using
, create a Figure with an array of two Axes objects that share a y-axis range (MONTHS
in this case). Plot Seattle's and Austin'sMLY-TAVG-NORMAL
(for average temperature) in the top Axes and plot theirMLY-PRCP-NORMAL
(for average precipitation) in the bottom axes. The cities should have different colors and the line style should be different between precipitation and temperature. Make sure to label your viz! - Using
, create a twin Axes object with the shared x-axis as time. There should be two lines of different colors not sharing a y-axis:co2
. Only include dates from the 2000s and annotate the first date at whichco2
exceeded 400. - Create a scatter plot from
comparing the number of Gold medals vs the number of Silver medals with each point labeled with the country name. - Explore if the distribution of
varies in different sports by creating histograms fromsummer_2016
. - Try out the different Matplotlib styles available and save your visualizations as a PNG file.