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Social Protection Indicators- Jordan
This notebook analyzes the social protection indicators in Jordan, focusing on economic and social metrics such as GDP, unemployment rates, education, and health. The purpose of the analysis is to identify trends, correlations, and significant changes over time to provide insights into the socio-economic landscape of Jordan. By examining these indicators, the notebook aims to inform policy decisions and highlight areas requiring intervention.
indicators_cleaned = pd.read_csv("indicators_jor.csv", skiprows=1)
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Trend over time for Unemployment , total (% of total labor force)(modeied ILO estimate)
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Correlation Heatmap of Indicators
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Insights and Reporting
- Economic Indicators: Analyze trends in GDP, unemployment rates, and other economic indicators over time.
- Social Indicators: Look at trends in education, health, and population indicators.
- Comparative Analysis: Compare key indicators (e.g., GDP vs. Population) to understand their relationship.
- Anomalies: Identify years with significant changes or anomalies in key indicators and investigate possible reasons.
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Analyze unemployment rates across decades.
Insights from the Analysis
- Overall Trend: The line plot showing the average unemployment rates across decades will help us identify whether unemployment rates have been increasing or decreasing over time.
- Detailed Trends: The separate line plots for different types of unemployment indicators will allow us to see if there are differences in trends for male, female, and youth unemployment rates.
- Significant Changes: Look for significant increases or decreases in unemployment rates during certain decades and investigate potential reasons for these changes.
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Analyze GDP trends in Jordan.