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Gold Price, a Web Scraping Project
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  • Gold Price, a Web Scraping Project

    In this workbook I will show some data scraping techniques to get real time quotes of precious metals from web in a fast, free and automated way! We will see how to extract Gold, Silver & Platinum price from and convert it from "Dollar / Troy Ounce" to "Euro / Gram" using Google Finance currency rates.

    This Python code can be used, for example, to automatically update the price of precious metals on your website or extract a .CSV with real time quotes.

    Disclaimer: As stated in Terms of Use, data seen and/or extracted with this code are intendended to be used for informational purpose only.

    1. Configuration & Functions Definition

    In this section we will import libraries and define the functions used to extract and convert data.

    Import libraries.

    import requests
    from datetime import datetime
    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
    import pandas as pd

    Define the function to get "Dollar / Euro" currency rate from Google Finance.

    def get_usd_eur():
        global usd_eur
        # Connect with Google Finance
        URL = ''
        HTML_PAGE = requests.get(URL).text
        soup = BeautifulSoup(HTML_PAGE, 'html.parser')
        # Extract "Euro / Dollar" rate
        eur_usd = soup.find_all('div', attrs = {'class': 'YMlKec fxKbKc'})
        eur_usd = [float(x.string.replace(',', '')) for x in eur_usd][0]
        # Convert "Euro / Dollar" rate in "Dollar / Euro"
        usd_eur = round(1 / eur_usd, 5)
        return usd_eur

    Define the function to get bid & ask value of precious metal in "Dollar / Troy Ounce" from

    def get_metal_value(URL):
        global bid, ask
        # Connect with
        HTML_PAGE = requests.get(URL).text
        soup = BeautifulSoup(HTML_PAGE, 'html.parser')
        # Get precious metal value in "Dollar / Troy Ounce" and convert it from string to float
        bid_string = soup.find_all('span', attrs = {'id': 'sp-bid'})
        bid = [float(x.string.replace(',', '')) for x in bid_string][0]
        ask_string = soup.find_all('span', attrs = {'id': 'sp-ask'})
        ask = [float(x.string.replace(',', '')) for x in ask_string][0]
        return bid, ask

    Define the function to convert precious metal value from "Dollar / Troy Ounce" to "Euro / Gram".

    def convert_metal_value():
        global bid_final, ask_final
        # Convert precious metal value in "Euro / Gram"
        t_oz = 31.1034768
        bid_final = round(bid * usd_eur / t_oz, 5)
        ask_final = round(ask * usd_eur / t_oz, 5)
        return bid_final, ask_final

    2. Data Scraping & Export

    In this section we will store Gold, Silver & Platinum value in a DataFrame so it can be printed on console or exported in .CSV file format.

    Extract and convert data.

    URL_dict = {'Gold': '',
                'Silver': '',
                'Platinum': ''}
    header_ = ['metal', 'bid', 'ask', 'datetime']
    list_ = []
    datetime_ =
    # Get and convert values from web
    for key, value in URL_dict.items():
        list_.append([key, bid_final, ask_final, datetime_])
    # Print values
    data = pd.DataFrame(list_, columns = header_)
    # Export data in .CSV
    data.to_csv('metals_' + str(datetime_) + '.csv', sep = ';', decimal = ',', index = None)