BUILT-IN FUNCTIONS CONCAT and PAD functions like RPAD and LPAD to add additional characters.
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-- Concatenate the first_name and last_name
RPAD(first_name, LENGTH(first_name)+1)
|| RPAD(last_name, LENGTH(last_name)+2, ' <')
|| RPAD(email, LENGTH(email)+1, '>') AS full_email
FROM dvdrentals.customer;
UPPER(c.name) || ': ' || f.title AS film_category,
-- Truncate the description without cutting off a word
LEFT(description, 50 -
-- Subtract the position of the first whitespace character
' ' IN REVERSE(LEFT(description, 50))
film AS f
INNER JOIN film_category AS fc
ON f.film_id = fc.film_id
INNER JOIN category AS c
ON fc.category_id = c.category_id;
-- Case insensitive and check 'elf' in title column by using tsvector and tsquery function
-- Select the title and description
SELECT title, description
FROM film
-- Convert the title to a tsvector and match it against the tsquery
WHERE to_tsvector(title) @@ to_tsquery('elf');
---ENUM is handy when the info is certain and never gonna change like below example
-- Create an enumerated data type, compass_position
CREATE TYPE compass_position AS ENUM (
-- Use the four cardinal directions
Use the INITCAP function to replace the first letter of every word in a character string with an uppercase letter. The INITCAP function assumes a new word whenever the function encounters a letter that is preceded by any character other than a letter. The INITCAP function accepts an argument of a character data type and returns a value of the same data type as the argument you specify.
The following query uses the INITCAP function to convert the first letter of every word in a character string to an uppercase letter. Figure 1. Query SELECT INITCAP(description) FROM stock WHERE manu_code = "ANZ";
Figure 2. Query result (expression)
Tennis Racquet Tennis Ball Volleyball Volleyball Net Helmet Golf Shoes 3 Golf Balls Running Shoes Watch Kick Board Swim Cap
SELECT ALTER substring(code, 3, 4) AS code_part
FROM accounts
ORDER BY user_id;
------SOLDAN 3. sıradan yazdırmaya başla ve 4 karakter yaz demek SUBSTRING fonksiyonu kullanarak bunu yapabiliriz.
SELECT EXTRACT(month FROM timestamp '2020-11-30 09:30:20') AS month;
----EXTRACT fonksiyonu ile bir timestamp in istediğimiz kısmını alabiliriz bu query nin sonucu
COALESCE function -operates row by row -returns first NON-NULL value
COALESCE(value_1, value_2,...)
--- split_part(string_to_split, delimiter, part_number) aşağıdaki örnek için street kolonunda boşluk olan yerleri ayır ve 1. ------sıradakini göster diyoruz.
-- Select the first word of the street value
SELECT SPLIT_PART(street, ' ',1) AS street_name,
FROM evanston311
GROUP BY street_name
To calculate a proportion for an indicator variable, compute the sum() of the variable divided by the count() of the total number of observations.