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Sleep Health and Lifestyle (Python + SQL)
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  • Sleep Health and Lifestyle

    This synthetic dataset contains sleep and cardiovascular metrics as well as lifestyle factors of close to 400 fictive persons.

    The workspace is set up with one CSV file, data.csv, with the following columns:

    • Person ID
    • Gender
    • Age
    • Occupation
    • Sleep Duration: Average number of hours of sleep per day
    • Quality of Sleep: A subjective rating on a 1-10 scale
    • Physical Activity Level: Average number of minutes the person engages in physical activity daily
    • Stress Level: A subjective rating on a 1-10 scale
    • BMI Category
    • Blood Pressure: Indicated as systolic pressure over diastolic pressure
    • Heart Rate: In beats per minute
    • Daily Steps
    • Sleep Disorder: One of None, Insomnia or Sleep Apnea

    Check out the guiding questions or the scenario described below to get started with this dataset! Feel free to make this workspace yours by adding and removing cells, or editing any of the existing cells.

    Source: Kaggle

    Unknown integration
    DataFrameavailable as
    SELECT *
    FROM 'data.csv' AS df1
    LIMIT 10
    import pandas as pd
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import seaborn as sns
    # Load the CSV file into a DataFrame
    df = pd.read_csv("data.csv")
    # Rename the columns
        'Sleep Disorder': 'Sleep_Disorder',
        'Stress Level': 'Stress_Level',
        'Sleep Duration': 'Sleep_Duration',
        'Physical Activity Level': 'PA_level',
        'BMI Category': 'BMI',
        'Blood Pressure': 'Blood_Pressure',
        'Quality of Sleep': 'Sleep_Quality'
    }, inplace=True)
    # Save the modified DataFrame back to a CSV file
    df.to_csv("data.csv", index=False)

    1. Factor that contribute to sleep disorder

    • Factors exploring
    Unknown integration
    DataFrameavailable as
    SELECT Sleep_Disorder, Occupation, Stress_Level
    FROM data.csv
    WHERE Sleep_Disorder != 'None'
    GROUP BY Gender, Occupation, Sleep_Disorder, Stress_Level
    LIMIT 10;

    Base on the chart

    • We can see top occupation that related to sleep disorder
    • Sale, Software Engineer, Doctor, Lawyer, Scientist, Accountant and Teacher. Especially, lawyer has both(sleep apnea, insomia)
    #Distribution of Sleep quality with Occupation 
    sns.boxplot(x='Sleep_Quality', y= 'Occupation', data=df)
    Unknown integration
    DataFrameavailable as
    SELECT Sleep_Disorder, Stress_Level, PA_level
    FROM data.csv
    WHERE Sleep_Disorder != 'None'
    GROUP BY Sleep_Disorder, Stress_Level, PA_level
    Limit 10;
    #Looking at the relationship between BMI and Sleep Disorder
    sns.barplot(x='BMI', y="Stress_Level", data=df,
                hue='Sleep_Disorder', color="b")
    Unknown integration
    DataFrameavailable as
    SELECT Age, Sleep_Duration, Sleep_Disorder
    FROM data.csv
    WHERE Sleep_Disorder != 'None'
    GROUP BY Age, Sleep_Duration, Sleep_Disorder;

    Based on the chart

    • BMI is not likely to contribute in sleeping disorder as the graph showed also normal weight have sleep disorders.
    • Physical level (PA) <= 90 likely contribute to sleep disorder
    1. Does an increased physical activity level result in a better quality of sleep?
    Unknown integration
    DataFrameavailable as
    Run cancelled
    SELECT Sleep_Quality, PA_level
    FROM data.csv
    LIMIT 10;

    The chart showed that increase Physical activity level will increase Sleep quality

    3.Does the presence of a sleep disorder affect the subjective sleep quality metric?