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Credit Card Fraud
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  • Credit Card Fraud

    This dataset consists of credit card transactions in the western United States. It includes information about each transaction including customer details, the merchant and category of purchase, and whether or not the transaction was a fraud.

    I will use this dataset to build a model to predict whether a credit card transaction was fraudulent or not.

    Below is the dataset:

    import pandas as pd 
    df = pd.read_csv('credit_card_fraud.csv') 

    Data Dictionary

    transdatetrans_timeTransaction DateTime
    merchantMerchant Name
    categoryCategory of Merchant
    amtAmount of Transaction
    cityCity of Credit Card Holder
    stateState of Credit Card Holder
    latLatitude Location of Purchase
    longLongitude Location of Purchase
    city_popCredit Card Holder's City Population
    jobJob of Credit Card Holder
    dobDate of Birth of Credit Card Holder
    trans_numTransaction Number
    merch_latLatitude Location of Merchant
    merch_longLongitude Location of Merchant
    is_fraudWhether Transaction is Fraud (1) or Not (0)

    Source of dataset. The data was partially cleaned and adapted by DataCamp.

    Creating a DataFrame with only fraudulent transactions

    f = df[df['is_fraud'] == 1]


    As the outcome is a classification problem with only two options ( fraud or not fraud) a classification models will be built and tested. In this instance I will use a Decision Tree Classifier.

    Before building the predictive model, I will explore the data, looking for patterns, correlations and trends in the data. Visualizations will be used to better understand and visualize the makeup of the data.

    The data in the dataset will also need to be prepared for the model. All categorical fields will need to be changed to numeric, some models will require scaling and any missing values will need to be dealt with.

    After the exploration and preparation the model will be built and optimized using training data. Then, the model will be tested using never seen data.

    After it is created, a visualization of the decision tree will be shown.

    Importing Basic Libraries

    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np

    Data Exploration

    In this section I will explore the data, looking at basic statistics, the size, shape and makeup of the dataset, distributions, and correlations. Some of these will be text-based explorations while others will be visuals.

    The purposes of this section is to get a better feel and understanding of the data. To see if there are any immediately apparent patterns or trends, and to get a better sense if our final results align with our initial impressions.


    I will start by exploring and visualizing the distributions of the dataset

    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    from matplotlib.ticker import PercentFormatter
    import folium

    Distribution of Fraud