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RDocumentation: points
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  • Note that this notebook was automatically generated from an RDocumentation page. It depends on the package and the example code whether this code will run without errors. You may need to edit the code to make things work.

    if(!require('graphics')) {
    require(stats) # for rnorm
    plot(-4:4, -4:4, type = "n")  # setting up coord. system
    points(rnorm(200), rnorm(200), col = "red")
    points(rnorm(100)/2, rnorm(100)/2, col = "blue", cex = 1.5)
    op <- par(bg = "light blue")
    x <- seq(0, 2*pi, len = 51)
    ## something "between type='b' and type='o'":
    plot(x, sin(x), type = "o", pch = 21, bg = par("bg"), col = "blue", cex = .6,
     main = 'plot(..., type="o", pch=21, bg=par("bg"))')
    ## The figure was produced by calls like
    png("pch.png", height = 0.7, width = 7, res = 100, units = "in")
    par(mar = rep(0,4))
    plot(c(-1, 26), 0:1, type = "n", axes = FALSE)
    text(0:25, 0.6, 0:25, cex = 0.5)
    points(0:25, rep(0.3, 26), pch = 0:25, bg = "grey")
    ##-------- Showing all the extra & some char graphics symbols ---------
    pchShow <-
      function(extras = c("*",".", "o","O","0","+","-","|","%","#"),
               cex = 3, ## good for both .Device=="postscript" and "x11"
               col = "red3", bg = "gold", coltext = "brown", cextext = 1.2,
               main = paste("plot symbols :  points (...  pch = *, cex =",
        nex <- length(extras)
        np  <- 26 + nex
        ipch <- 0:(np-1)
        k <- floor(sqrt(np))
        dd <- c(-1,1)/2
        rx <- dd + range(ix <- ipch %/% k)
        ry <- dd + range(iy <- 3 + (k-1)- ipch %% k)
        pch <- as.list(ipch) # list with integers & strings
        if(nex > 0) pch[26+ 1:nex] <- as.list(extras)
        plot(rx, ry, type = "n", axes  =  FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", main = main)
        abline(v = ix, h = iy, col = "lightgray", lty = "dotted")
        for(i in 1:np) {
          pc <- pch[[i]]
          ## 'col' symbols with a 'bg'-colored interior (where available) :
          points(ix[i], iy[i], pch = pc, col = col, bg = bg, cex = cex)
          if(cextext > 0)
              text(ix[i] - 0.3, iy[i], pc, col = coltext, cex = cextext)
    pchShow(c("o","O","0"), cex = 2.5)
    pchShow(NULL, cex = 4, cextext = 0, main = NULL)
    ## ------------ test code for various pch specifications -------------
    # Try this in various font families (including Hershey)
    # and locales.  Use sign = -1 asserts we want Latin-1.
    # Standard cases in a MBCS locale will not plot the top half.
    TestChars <- function(sign = 1, font = 1, ...)
       MB <- l10n_info()$MBCS
       r <- if(font == 5) { sign <- 1; c(32:126, 160:254)
           } else if(MB) 32:126 else 32:255
       if (sign == -1) r <- c(32:126, 160:255)
       par(pty = "s")
       plot(c(-1,16), c(-1,16), type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "",
            xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i",
            main = sprintf("sign = %d, font = %d", sign, font))
       grid(17, 17, lty = 1) ; mtext(paste("MBCS:", MB))
       for(i in r) try(points(i%%16, i%/%16, pch = sign*i, font = font,...))
    try(TestChars(sign = -1))
    TestChars(font = 5)  # Euro might be at 160 (0+10*16).
                         # macOS has apple at 240 (0+15*16).
    try(TestChars(-1, font = 2))  # bold