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Course Notes: Regular Expressions in Python
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    # Add your code snippets here
    # Find characters in movie variable
    length_string = len(movie)
    # Convert to string
    to_string = str(length_string)
    # Predefined variable
    statement = "Number of characters in this review:"
    # Concatenate strings and print result
    print(statement +" "+ to_string)
    # Select the first 32 characters of movie1
    first_part = movie1[:32]
    # Select from 43rd character to the end of movie1
    last_part = movie1[42:]
    # Select from 33rd to the 42nd character
    middle_part = movie2[32:42]
    # Print concatenation and movie2 variable
    # Get the word
    movie_title = movie[11:30]
    # Obtain the palindrome
    palindrome = movie_title[::-1]
    # Print the word if it's a palindrome
    if movie_title == palindrome:
    # Convert to lowercase and print the result
    movie_lower = movie.lower()
    # Remove specified character and print the result
    movie_no_sign = movie_lower.strip("$")
    # Split the string into substrings and print the result
    movie_split = movie_no_sign.split()
    # Select root word and print the result
    word_root = movie_split[1][0:-1]
    # Remove tags happening at the end and print results
    movie_tag = movie.rstrip("<\i>")
    # Split the string using commas and print results
    movie_no_comma = movie_tag.split(",")
    # Join back together and print results
    movie_join = " ".join(movie_no_comma)
    # Split string at line boundaries
    file_split = file.split("\n")
    # Print file_split
    # Complete for-loop to split by commas
    for substring in file_split:
        substring_split = substring.split(',')
    for movie in movies:
      	# If actor is not found between character 37 and 41 inclusive
        # Print word not found
        if movie.find("actor", 37, 42) == -1:
            print("Word not found")
        # Count occurrences and replace two with one
        elif movie.count("actor") == 2:  
            print(movie.replace("actor actor", "actor"))
            # Replace three occurrences with one
            print(movie.replace("actor actor actor", "actor"))
    for movie in movies:
        # Find the first occurrence of word
      	print(movie.index("money", 12, 51))
      except ValueError:
        print("substring not found")
    # Replace negations 
    movies_no_negation = movies.replace("isn't", "is")
    # Replace important
    movies_antonym = movies_no_negation.replace("important", "insignificant")
    # Print out
    # Assign the substrings to the variables
    first_pos = wikipedia_article[3:19].lower()
    second_pos = wikipedia_article[21:44].lower()
    # Define string with placeholders 
    my_list.append("The tool {} is used in {}")
    # Define string with rearranged placeholders
    my_list.append("The tool {1} is used in {0}")
    # Use format to print strings
    for my_string in my_list:
      	print(my_string.format(first_pos, second_pos))
    courses = ['artificial intelligence', 'neural networks']
    # Create a dictionary
    plan = {
      		"field": courses[0],
            "tool": courses[1]
    # Complete the placeholders accessing elements of field and tool keys in the data dictionary
    my_message = "If you are interested in {data[field]}, you can take the course related to {data[tool]}"
    # Use the plan dictionary to replace placeholders