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Using Joins to Analyze Book Sales in SQL

Using Joins to Analyze Book Sales in SQL

In this live training, we will be creating a data insight using joins. We will look at a database from a fictional bookstore.

First we will use some simple queries to get a feel for the structure and meaning of the different tables and columns. After which we will join two tables together to create insights we could otherwise not get. First with a basic join, then building on top of the simple join using group by and count. Let's get started!

Task 0. Setup the integration

Before we can get started, follow the instructions in this task to connect to the database and verify your connection is working.


Go to integrations on the left side bar. Click “Create integration,” select PostgreSQL, and enter:
Integration name: Gravity Books
Port: 5432
Database: gravity_books
Username: gravity_employee
Password: employee1

Then run the query below, it will show you 10 random customers from the Gravity bookstore. It is good practice to limit the amount of rows in a query when starting to work on a table of unknown size.

DataFrameavailable as
-- Select some customer data at random to make sure your integration is set up correctly
-- When working with data of unknown size it's safer to add a limit to your query for performance.
SELECT * FROM customer LIMIT 10

Task 1. How are the tables linked in the Gravity Books database?


  • Go to integrations on the left side bar.
  • Click on the Gravity Books Integration you just created.
  • Click on Tables if you don't see the list of tables in the database.
  • We'll be focusing on the customer and order related tables, read through the tables.
  • Reason about how they could be connected to each other.
  • Read the column names to from a better picture of how tables are connected.

What do the tables tell us about the database structure?

In this case we can derive from the tables and columns that:

  • customer has order in cust_order
  • The status of the orders in cust_order is in order_history
  • To understand what the status_id in order_history means we need to look at order_status.
  • More information about what is in an order from cust_order is in order_line.

Task 2. What do the ids in the status tables mean?

Because a (book) store is something we encounter in our day to day life it is relatively straightforward to understand how data in this database for a bookstore is structured. However, understanding how data is linked is often not straightforward if you're not familiar with the domain of the data in the database.

Most of us know or can imagine how a bookstore works and what data they need to sell and ship books to customers. But would most of us be able to understand how data is connected for the approval process pharmaceutical manufacturing process?

Even in this case not all fields can be understood without actually looking at the data in the tables. Specifically the address_status, order_status tables.


  • Select the full address_status table to understand which id responds to which status.
  • Do the same for the order_status field.
DataFrameavailable as
-- Look up the meaning of address_status ids
-- SELECT * FROM address_status

-- Look up the meaning of order_status ids
SELECT * FROM order_status

Task 3. How does the order_history table work?

When reading through the tables and columns we made a hypothesis on how the order_history works, let's verify our hypothesis before we start analyzing the data in this table.

The table name indicates that this table will hold historic information in some way, looking at the columns we can see that each entry get a unique id, history_id, indicating that there is most likely going to be multiple entries per order_id. Additionally the only other columns are status_id and status_date column, indicating this table is storing the date at which an order moved to a specific status.


  • Find an order_id of a random Returned order.
  • Look up the full order_history of this order_id to
DataFrameavailable as
-- Select an order_id from order_history with a status_id corresponding to `Returned`
-- SELECT * FROM order_history WHERE status_id = 6 LIMIT 1

-- Select all data in order_history with the order_id you found with the query above.
SELECT * FROM order_history WHERE order_id = 4412

Task 4. How many errors are returned by users?

A colleague working in the bookstore had the same customer come in twice in a single week to return an order. They thought this was unusual and asked you to investigate. Let us look into the data to see if there is an issue with a significant amount of users returning multiple orders.

Before we start writing more complex queries lets do an initial count to make sure we have data for orders being returned.


  • Write a query to find the amount of returned orders in order_history.
  • Use the status_id for Returned orders we found in a previous task.
DataFrameavailable as
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM order_history WHERE status_id = 6

Task 5. How to join the order_history and cust_order tables?

To analyze the number of users returning multiple orders we have to link returned orders to customers. This is done joining the order_history and cust_order tables. Let's start with writing a minimal join for a single order_id to make sure our join works as expected.


  • Write a query joining the order_history and cust_order.
  • Join both tables using the order_id property.
  • Use a WHERE clause in your query to make it return a manageable amount of data.
DataFrameavailable as
SELECT * FROM cust_order
JOIN order_history ON order_history.order_id = cust_order.order_id
WHERE cust_order.order_id = 4412

Task 6. Do a significant number of users return multiple orders?

Now that we successfully joined the order_history and cust_order table we can add the other parts needed to get a clear view of outliers in the data.


  • Write a query joining the order_history and cust_order.
  • Join both tables using the order_id property.
  • Aggregate the data per customer using a group by on customer_id.
  • Count the amount of returned orders per customer and assign an alias.
  • Only look at data of returned orders.
  • Order the data on the amount of returned orders from most to least.
DataFrameavailable as
SELECT customer_id, COUNT(cust_order.order_id) AS returned_orders FROM cust_order
JOIN order_history ON order_history.order_id = cust_order.order_id
WHERE order_history.status_id = 6
GROUP BY cust_order.customer_id
ORDER BY returned_orders DESC