Uncovering the World's Oldest Businesses
Use joining techniques to discover the oldest businesses in the world.
An essential part of business is planning for the future and ensuring that the business survives changing market conditions.
In this project, you'll explore data from BusinessFinancing.co.uk on the world's oldest businesses. You'll use joining and data manipulation techniques to answer questions about these historic businesses.
Staffelter Hof Winery is Germany's oldest business, established in 862 under the Carolingian dynasty. It has continued to serve customers through dramatic changes in Europe, such as the Holy Roman Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and both world wars. What characteristics enable a business to stand the test of time?
To help answer this question, BusinessFinancing.co.uk researched the oldest company still in business in almost every country and compiled the results into several CSV files. This dataset has been cleaned.
Having useful information in different files is a common problem. While it's better to keep different types of data separate for data storage, you'll want all the data in one place for analysis. You'll use joining and data manipulation to work with this data and better understand the world's oldest businesses.
The Data
and new_businesses
Column | Description |
business | Name of the business (varchar) |
year_founded | Year the business was founded (int) |
category_code | Code for the business category (varchar) |
country_code | ISO 3166-1 three-letter country code (char) |
Column | Description |
country_code | ISO 3166-1 three-letter country code (varchar) |
country | Name of the country (varchar) |
continent | Name of the continent the country exists in (varchar) |
Column | Description |
category_code | Code for the business category (varchar) |
category | Description of the business category (varchar) |
-- overview of businessess table
SELECT * FROM businesses
-- overview of new_businessess table
SELECT * FROM new_businesses
-- overview of countries table
SELECT * FROM countries
-- overview of categorie table
SELECT * FROM categories
-- see how many countries in each continent are in the countries table
FROM countries
-- see how many countries in each continent are in the countries table
SELECT continent, COUNT (*)
FROM countries
GROUP BY continent
-- join between old business table (businesses) and countries table
SELECT continent, c.country, business, year_founded
FROM businesses AS b
INNER JOIN countries AS c
ON b.country_code = c.country_code
-- each businesses' oldest year founded grouped by continent
SELECT continent, MIN(year_founded) AS year_founded
FROM businesses
JOIN countries
USING (country_code)
GROUP BY continent
ORDER BY year_founded
-- list of continent, business category based on oldest year founded
SELECT continent, category, year_founded
FROM countries AS c
JOIN businesses AS b
USING (country_code)
JOIN categories
USING (category_code)
WHERE (continent, year_founded) IN (
SELECT continent, MIN(year_founded)
FROM countries AS c
JOIN businesses AS b
USING (country_code)
GROUP BY continent)
ORDER BY year_founded;
-- types of category and counts of how many they are
SELECT category, COUNT(1)
FROM categories
-- count of each category of business
WITH all_info AS (
SELECT business, year_founded, category
FROM businesses AS b
INNER JOIN categories AS ca
ON ca.category_code = b.category_code)
SELECT category, COUNT(*)
FROM all_info
GROUP BY category
-- example of 1 category
WITH all_info AS (
SELECT business, year_founded, category
FROM businesses AS b
INNER JOIN categories AS ca
ON ca.category_code = b.category_code)
SELECT * FROM all_info
WHERE category = 'Media'