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Introduction to Python

Introduction to Python

Run the hidden code cell below to import kjlknmlkmn'jj data used in this course.

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Explore Datasets

Use the arrays imported in the first cell to explore the data and practice your skills!

  • Print out the weight of the first ten baseball players.
  • What is the median weight of all baseball players in the data?
  • Print out the names of all players with a height greater than 80 (heights are in inches).
  • Who is taller on average? Baseball players or soccer players? Keep in mind that baseball heights are stored in inches!
  • The values in soccer_shooting are decimals. Convert them to whole numbers (e.g., 0.98 becomes 98).
  • Do taller players get higher ratings? Calculate the correlation between soccer_ratings and soccer_heights to find out!
  • What is the average rating for attacking players ('A')?