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RDocumentation: modifiers

Note that this notebook was automatically generated from an RDocumentation page. It depends on the package and the example code whether this code will run without errors. You may need to edit the code to make things work.

if(!require('stringr')) {
pattern <- "a.b"
strings <- c("abb", "a.b")
str_detect(strings, pattern)
str_detect(strings, fixed(pattern))
str_detect(strings, coll(pattern))

# coll() is useful for locale-aware case-insensitive matching
i <- c("I", "\u0130", "i")
str_detect(i, fixed("i", TRUE))
str_detect(i, coll("i", TRUE))
str_detect(i, coll("i", TRUE, locale = "tr"))

# Word boundaries
words <- c("These are   some words.")
str_count(words, boundary("word"))
str_split(words, " ")[[1]]
str_split(words, boundary("word"))[[1]]

# Regular expression variations
str_extract_all("The Cat in the Hat", "[a-z]+")
str_extract_all("The Cat in the Hat", regex("[a-z]+", TRUE))

str_extract_all("a\nb\nc", "^.")
str_extract_all("a\nb\nc", regex("^.", multiline = TRUE))

str_extract_all("a\nb\nc", "a.")
str_extract_all("a\nb\nc", regex("a.", dotall = TRUE))