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Intermediate SQL
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  • Intermediate SQL

    Here you can access every table used in the course. To access each table, you will need to specify the cinema schema in your queries (e.g., for the reviews table.

    Note: When using sample integrations such as those that contain course data, you have read-only access. You can run queries, but cannot make any changes such as adding, deleting, or modifying the data (e.g., creating tables, views, etc.).

    Take Notes

    Add notes about the concepts you've learned and SQL cells with queries you want to keep.

    Add your notes here

    DataFrameavailable as
    -- Add your own queries here
    SELECT *
    LIMIT 5

    Limit always goes below the last keyword In allows us to simplify where clasue for example WHERE year IN (1920, 1930, 1940);

    Explore Datasets

    Use the descriptions, films, people, reviews, and roles tables to explore the data and practice your skills!

    • Which titles in the reviews table have an IMDB score higher than 8.5?
    • Select all titles from Germany released after 2010 from the films table.
    • Calculate a count of all movies by country using the films table.