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Functions for Manipulating Data in PostgreSQL
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  • Functions for Manipulating Data in PostgreSQL

    Here you can access the tables used in the course. To access the table, you will need to specify the dvdrentals schema in your queries (e.g., for the film table and for the country table).

    Note: When using sample integrations such as those that contain course data, you have read-only access. You can run queries, but cannot make any changes such as adding, deleting, or modifying the data (e.g., creating tables, views, etc.).

    Take Notes

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    Unknown integration
    DataFrameavailable as
    -- Add your own queries here
    SELECT *
    LIMIT 10

    Explore Datasets

    Use the different tables to explore the data and practice your skills!

    • Select the title, release_year, and rating of films in the film table.
      • Add a description_shortened column which contains the first 50 characters of the description column, ending with "...".
      • Filter the film table for rows where the special_features column contains "Commentaries".
    • Select the customer_id, amount, and payment_date from the payment table.
      • Extract date information from the payment_date column, creating new columns for the day, month, quarter, and year of transaction.
      • Use the rental table to include a column containing the number of days rented (i.e., time between the rental_date and the return_date).
    • Update the title column so that titles with multiple words are reduced to the first word and the first letter of the second word followed by a period.
      • For example:
        • "BEACH HEARTBREAKERS" becomes "BEACH H."
        • "BEAST HUNCHBACK" becomes "BEAST H."
      • Reformat your shortened title to title case (e.g., "BEACH H." becomes "Beach H.").