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Introduction to Importing Data in Python
1. Import the course packages
# Import the course packages
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import h5py
from sas7bdat import SAS7BDAT
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
import pickle
# Import the course datasets
titanic = pd.read_csv("datasets/titanic_sub.csv")
battledeath_2002 = pd.ExcelFile("datasets/battledeath.xlsx").parse("2002")
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///Chinook.sqlite')
con = engine.connect()
rs = con.execute('SELECT * FROM Album')
chinook = pd.DataFrame(rs.fetchall())
seaslug = np.loadtxt("seaslug.txt", delimiter="\t", dtype=str)
1.1.2 Importing entire text files
- It is a text file that contains the opening sentences of Moby Dick.
# Open a file: file
file = open('moby_dick.txt','r')
# Print it
# Check whether file is closed
# Close file
# Check whether file is closed
1.1.3 Importing text files line by line
- For large files,may not want to print all of their content to the shell: may wish to print only the first few lines.
- Enter the readline() method.
# Read & print the first 3 lines
with open('moby_dick.txt') as file:
1.3.1 Using NumPy to import flat files
- We'll load the MNIST digit recognition dataset using the numpy function loadtxt()
# Import package
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Assign filename to variable: file
file = 'digits.csv'
# Load file as array: digits
digits = np.loadtxt(file, delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
# Print datatype of digits
# Select and reshape a row
im = digits[21, 1:]
im_sq = np.reshape(im, (28, 28))
# Plot reshaped data (matplotlib.pyplot already loaded as plt)
plt.imshow(im_sq, cmap='Greys', interpolation='nearest')
1.3.2 Customizing your NumPy import
- a number of arguments that np.loadtxt() takes that are useful:
- delimiter changes the delimiter that loadtxt() is expecting.
- ',' for comma-delimited.
- '\t' for tab-delimited.
- skiprows to specify how many rows (not indices) to skip
- usecols takes list of the indices of the columns to keep.
# Import numpy
import numpy as np
# Assign the filename: file
file = 'digits_header.txt'
# Load the data: data
data = np.loadtxt(file, delimiter='\t', skiprows=1, usecols=[0,3])
# Print data
1.3.3 Importing different datatypes
These data consists of percentage of sea slug larvae that had metamorphosed in a given time period.
Due to the header,to import it using np.loadtxt(),
Python would throw you a ValueError(tell you that it could not convert string to float).
Two ways to deal with this:
Firstly, you can set the data type argument dtype equal to str (for string).
Alternatively, you can skip the first row , using the skiprows argument.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Assign filename: file
file = 'seaslug.txt'
# Import file: data
data = np.loadtxt(file, delimiter='\t', dtype=str)
# Print the first element of data
# Import data as floats and skip the first row: data_float
data_float = np.loadtxt(file, delimiter='\t', dtype=float, skiprows=1)
# Print the 10th element of data_float
# Plot a scatterplot of the data
plt.scatter(data_float[:, 0], data_float[:, 1])
plt.xlabel('time (min.)')
plt.ylabel('percentage of larvae')