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Visualizing video game sales data
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  • Visualizing video game sales data

    The dataset used in this workspace is a subset of the data found here. It contains records of popular video games in North America, Japan, Europe and other parts of the world. Every video game in this dataset has at least 100k global sales.

    The hidden code below aggregates platform sales across North America, Japan, and Europe, and prepares them for visualization using a chart cell.

    # Import pandas and read in the data
    import pandas as pd
    df = pd.read_csv("console_sales.csv")
    # Aggregate the data by "Platform" and then melt the DataFrame for plotting
    df_agg = df.groupby("Platform", as_index=False)["Platform", "NA_Sales", "EU_Sales", "JP_Sales"].sum()
    df_melt = df_agg.melt(id_vars="Platform", var_name="Region", value_name="Sales")
    # Preview the resulting DataFrame

    Next, we use a chart cell to create a grouped bar chart of the data.

    • We select the DataFrame to use (df_melt).
    • We select Platform to be on the x-axis.
    • We select Sales to be on the y-axis.
    • We group the data by Region.
    • Finally, we edit the title to give an accurate description of the chart!
    Current Type: Bar
    Current X-axis: Platform
    Current Y-axis: Sales
    Current Color: Region

    Worldwide sales of eight generation video game platforms

    Play around with the data, and try using a chart cell to create your own visualizations! Be sure to experiment with the chart type and columns you map to the x-axis, y-axis, and group by.

    Want to analyze and visualize different data? Select a dataset of your own and get started!

    Unknown integration
    DataFrameavailable as