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Connect to Google Sheets
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  • Connect to Google Sheets

    This workspace contains example code snippets and instructions for connecting to data in Google sheets from inside Workspace. For a detailed walkthrough, you can consult this comprehensive tutorial on connecting to Google Sheets.

    Read Google Sheets data

    Install and import the right package

    !pip install gspread
    import pandas as pd
    import gspread
    from google.oauth2 import service_account
    import json
    import os

    Set up a client with scoped credentials

    For this code to work, you need to have an environment variable GOOGLE_JSON available in your workspace that contains a Google service account JSON with the right permissions. The steps to configure such a service account and securely store it in Workspace are described in this documentation article.

    google_json = os.environ["GOOGLE_JSON"]
    service_account_info = json.loads(google_json)
    credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_info(service_account_info)
    scope = ['', '']
    creds_with_scope = credentials.with_scopes(scope)
    client = gspread.authorize(creds_with_scope)

    Read spreadsheets data into a DataFrame

    Make sure to update the spreadsheet URL with the URL of your own spreadsheet!

    spreadsheet = client.open_by_url('')
    worksheet = spreadsheet.get_worksheet(0)
    records_data = worksheet.get_all_records()
    records_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(records_data)

    Analyze the spreadsheets data in Python

    median_funding_df = records_df.groupby("country")["funding"].median().reset_index()
    median_funding_df.columns = ['country', 'median_funding']

    Write results to Google Sheets

    # Convert the median_funding_df DataFrame to a list of lists
    medians_list = median_funding_df.values.tolist()
    # Add the header row to the list
    medians_list.insert(0, median_funding_df.columns.tolist())
    # Check if the 'median_by_country' sheet already exists
    sheet_titles = [sheet.title for sheet in spreadsheet.worksheets()]
    sheet_name = "median_by_country"
    if sheet_name not in sheet_titles:
        # Create a new sheet named 'median_by_country' in the Google Sheet
        medians_sheet = spreadsheet.add_worksheet(title=sheet_name, rows=len(medians_list), cols=len(medians_list[0]))
        medians_sheet = spreadsheet.worksheet(sheet_name)
    # Write the medians_list to the new sheet
    medians_sheet.insert_rows(medians_list, row=1)