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Competition - HR Analytics in Tableau
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  • Creating a Human Resources analytics dashboard using Tableau

    📖 Background

    In this first ever BI competition, you will be exploring a dataset for a fictitious software company called Atlas Labs. You'll have to import, analyze, and visualize the data using Tableau.

    The end goal will be a clean, self-explanatory, and interactive dashboard for the HR team of Atlas Labs. By conducting a thorough exploratory data analysis and creating visualizations, you'll dive deeper into attrition and what factors impact attrition. This analysis will help the organization determine what action they will need to take to retain more employees.

    💾 The data

    Your team created the following files:

    Employee (employee.csv)

    Column nameDescription
    Employee IDA unique ID that identifies an employee, connects to the Performance Rating table
    FirstNameFirst name of an employee
    LastNameLast name / surname of an employee
    GenderSelf-defined employee gender identity
    AgeCurrent age of an employee
    BusinessTravelFrequency of business travel
    DepartmentMost recent department that employee belongs/belonged to
    DistanceFromHome (KM)Kilometer distance between an employee’s home and their office
    StateState where the employee lives
    EthincitySelf-defined employee ethnicity
    EducationA unique ID that identifies an employees education level, connects to the Education Level table
    EducationFieldEmployee field of study
    JobRoleMost recent department that employee belongs/belonged to
    MaritalStatusCurrent/latest employee marital status
    SalaryMost recent record of employee salary
    StockOptionLevelThe banding level for stock options that the employee has
    OverTimeIndicates whether an employee is expected to work overtime in their role
    HireDateDate the employee joined the company
    AttritionIndicates whether an employee has left the organization
    YearsAtCompanyNumber of years since the employee joined the organization
    YearsInMostRecentRoleNumber of years the employee has been in their most recent role
    YearsSinceLastPromotionNumber of years since the employee last got promoted
    YearsWithCurrManagerNumber of years the employee has been with their current manager

    Performance Rating (performance_rating.csv)

    Column nameDescription
    PerformanceIDA unique id that identifies a performance review
    EmployeeIDA unique ID that identifies an employee, connects to the Employee table
    ReviewDateDate an employees' review took place
    EnvironmentSatisfactionRating for employees' satisfaction with their environment
    JobSatisfactionRating for employees' satisfaction with their job role
    RelationshipSatisfactionRating for employees' satisfaction with their relationships at work
    WorkLifeBalanceRating for employees' satisfaction with their relationships at work
    SelfRatingRating for employees' performance based on their own view
    ManagerRatingRating for employees' performance based on their manager’s view
    TrainingOpportunitiesWithinYearNumber of training opportunities offered in the last 12 months
    TrainingOpportunitiesTakenNumber of training opportunities taken

    Education Level (education_level.csv)

    Column nameDescription
    Education Level IDA unique id that identifies a education level
    Education LevelA unique ID that identifies an employee, connects to the Employee table

    The data files can be downloaded from the sidebar on the left (under Browse and upload files).

    💪 Challenge

    Using Tableau, create an interactive dashboard to summarize your research. Things to consider:

    1. Make your dashboard stand out! Give it a unique look and feel.
    2. Visualize the biggest differences in salary, attrition, job satisfaction level, and work-life balance across demographics and other dimensions. Don't feel limited by these, you're encouraged to use your skills to consolidate as much information as possible.
    3. Create a screenshot of your (main) Tableau dashboard, and past that in the designated field.
    4. Summarize your findings in an executive summary.

    ✅ Checklist before publishing

    • Don't forget to publish your Tableau dashboard, make it available on Tableau Public and share the link.
    • Although you use Workspace, a notebook style document that contains text cells (what you're reading right now), you only should paste the link, the executive summary, and a screenshot of your Tableau dashboard in the designated fields. Also, leave the notebook name as notebook.ipynb.
    • Remove redundant text cells like the background, the data, challenge, and checklist. You can add cells if necessary, but your focus should be on the Tableau dashboard.

    ✍️ Judging criteria

    This competition is for helping to understand how BI competitions work. There will be public voting after the competition ends, followed by a ranking.

    🧾 Executive summary

    In a couple of lines, write your main findings here.

    📷 Tableau screenshot

    Paste one screenshot of your Tableau dashboard here.

    🌐 Link to your Tableau Public dashboard

    Paste the link to your Tableau Public dashboard here.

    ⌛️ Time is ticking. Good luck!
