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Introduction to Statistics in Python
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  • Introduction to Statistics in Python

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    A probability distribution describes the probability of each possible outcome in a scenario. Add notes about the concepts you've learned and code cells with code you want to keep.

    A Poisson process is a process where events appear to happen at a certain rate, but completely at random. For example, the number of animals adopted from an animal shelter each week is a Poisson process - we may know that on average there are 8 adoptions per week, but this number can differ randomly. Other examples would be the number of people arriving at a restaurant each hour, or the number of earthquakes per year in California. The time unit like, hours, weeks, or years, is irrelevant as long as it's consistent.

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    Other transformations 01:44 - 02:13 In addition to the log transformation, there are lots of other transformations that can be used to make a relationship more linear, like taking the square root or reciprocal of a variable. The choice of transformation will depend on the data and how skewed it is. These can be applied in different combinations to x and y, for example, you could apply a log transformation to both x and y, or a square root transformation to x and a reciprocal transformation to y.

    Correlation does not imply causation 02:34 - 03:14 Let's talk about one more important caveat of correlation that you may have heard about before: correlation does not imply causation. This means that if x and y are correlated, x doesn't necessarily cause y. For example, here's a scatterplot of the per capita margarine consumption in the US each year and the divorce rate in the state of Maine. The correlation between these two variables is 0-point-99, which is nearly perfect. However, this doesn't mean that consuming more margarine will cause more divorces. This kind of correlation is often called a spurious correlation.

    Confounding 03:14 - 03:34 A phenomenon called confounding can lead to spurious correlations. Let's say we want to know if drinking coffee causes lung cancer. Looking at the data, we find that coffee drinking and lung cancer are correlated, which may lead us to think that drinking more coffee will give you lung cancer.

    1. Confounding 03:34 - 03:39 However, there is a third, hidden variable at play, which is smoking.

    2. Confounding 03:39 - 03:43 Smoking is known to be associated with coffee consumption.

    3. Confounding 03:43 - 03:48 It is also known that smoking causes lung cancer.

    4. Confounding 03:48 - 04:35 In reality, it turns out that coffee does not cause lung cancer and is only associated with it, but it appeared causal due to the third variable, smoking. This third variable is called a confounder, or lurking variable. This means that the relationship of interest between coffee and lung cancer is a spurious correlation. Another example of this is the relationship between holidays and retail sales. While it might be that people buy more around holidays as a way of celebrating, it's hard to tell how much of the increased sales is due to holidays, and how much is due to the special deals and promotions that often run around holidays. Here, special deals confound the relationship between holidays and sales.

    Nice interpretation of correlation! If correlation always implied that one thing causes another, people may do some nonsensical things, like eat more sugar to be happier.

    Design of experiments 00:00 - 00:15 Often, data is created as a result of a study that aims to answer a specific question. However, data needs to be analyzed and interpreted differently depending on how the data was generated and how the study was designed.

    Vocabulary 00:15 - 00:45 Experiments generally aim to answer a question in the form, "What is the effect of the treatment on the response?" In this setting, treatment refers to the explanatory or independent variable, and response refers to the response or dependent variable. For example, what is the effect of an advertisement on the number of products purchased? In this case, the treatment is an advertisement, and the response is the number of products purchased.

    Vocabulary 00:15 - 00:45 Experiments generally aim to answer a question in the form, "What is the effect of the treatment on the response?" In this setting, treatment refers to the explanatory or independent variable, and response refers to the response or dependent variable. For example, what is the effect of an advertisement on the number of products purchased? In this case, the treatment is an advertisement, and the response is the number of products purchased.

    Controlled experiments 00:45 - 01:36 In a controlled experiment, participants are randomly assigned to either the treatment group or the control group, where the treatment group receives the treatment and the control group does not. A great example of this is an A/B test. In our example, the treatment group will see an advertisement, and the control group will not. Other than this difference, the groups should be comparable so that we can determine if seeing an advertisement causes people to buy more. If the groups aren't comparable, this could lead to confounding, or bias. If the average age of participants in the treatment group is 25 and the average age of participants in the control group is 50, age could be a potential confounder if younger people are more likely to purchase more, and this will make the experiment biased towards the treatment.

    The gold standard of experiments will use... 01:36 - 02:34 The gold standard, or ideal experiment, will eliminate as much bias as possible by using certain tools. The first tool to help eliminate bias in controlled experiments is to use a randomized controlled trial. In a randomized controlled trial, participants are randomly assigned to the treatment or control group and their assignment isn't based on anything other than chance. Random assignment like this helps ensure that the groups are comparable. The second way is to use a placebo, which is something that resembles the treatment, but has no effect. This way, participants don't know if they're in the treatment or control group. This ensures that the effect of the treatment is due to the treatment itself, not the idea of getting the treatment. This is common in clinical trials that test the effectiveness of a drug. The control group will still be given a pill, but it's a sugar pill that has minimal effects on the response.

    The gold standard of experiments will use... 01:36 - 02:34 The gold standard, or ideal experiment, will eliminate as much bias as possible by using certain tools. The first tool to help eliminate bias in controlled experiments is to use a randomized controlled trial. In a randomized controlled trial, participants are randomly assigned to the treatment or control group and their assignment isn't based on anything other than chance. Random assignment like this helps ensure that the groups are comparable. The second way is to use a placebo, which is something that resembles the treatment, but has no effect. This way, participants don't know if they're in the treatment or control group. This ensures that the effect of the treatment is due to the treatment itself, not the idea of getting the treatment. This is common in clinical trials that test the effectiveness of a drug. The control group will still be given a pill, but it's a sugar pill that has minimal effects on the response.