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Working with Dates and Times in Python
Run the hidden code cell below to import the data used in this course.
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# Import datetime
from datetime import datetime
# Create a datetime object
dt = datetime(2017,10,1,15,19,13)
# Print the results in ISO 8601 format
# Replace the year with 1917
dt_old = dt.replace(year=1917)
# Print the results in ISO 8601 format
# Import the datetime class
from datetime import datetime
# Starting string, in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format
s = '2017-02-03 00:00:01'
# Write a format string to parse s
fmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
# Create a datetime object d
d = datetime.strptime(s, fmt)
# Print d
fmt_iso = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"
# Print out date with .isoformat(), then with .strftime() to compare
# Starting timestamps
timestamps = [1514665153, 1514664543]
# Datetime objects
dts = []
# Loop
for ts in timestamps:
# Print results
# Initialize a list for all the trip durations
onebike_durations = []
for trip in onebike_datetimes:
# Create a timedelta object corresponding to the length of the trip
trip_duration = trip['end'] - trip['start']
# Get the total elapsed seconds in trip_duration
trip_length_seconds = trip_duration.total_seconds()
# Append the results to our list
# Import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
# Create a timezone for Pacific Standard Time, or UTC-8
pst = timezone(timedelta(hours=5))
# October 1, 2017 at 15:26:26, UTC-8
dt = datetime(2017, 10, 1, 15, 26, 26, tzinfo=pst)
# Print results
# Import tz
from dateutil import tz
# Create a timezone object for Eastern Time
et = tz.gettz('America/New_York')
# Create the timezone object
sm = tz.gettz('Pacific/Apia')
# Pull out the start of the first trip
local = onebike_datetimes[0]['start']
# What time was it in Samoa?
notlocal = local.astimezone(sm)
# Print them out and see the difference
# Import datetime, timedelta, tz, timezone
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from dateutil import tz
# Start on March 12, 2017, midnight, then add 6 hours
start = datetime(2017, 3, 12, tzinfo = tz.gettz('America/New_York'))
end = start + timedelta(hours=6)
print(start.isoformat() + " to " + end.isoformat())
# How many hours have elapsed?
print((end - start).total_seconds()/(60*60))
# Start on March 12, 2017, midnight, then add 6 hours
start = datetime(2017, 3, 12, tzinfo = tz.gettz('America/New_York'))
end = start + timedelta(hours=6)
print(start.isoformat() + " to " + end.isoformat())
# How many hours have elapsed?
print((end - start).total_seconds()/(60*60))
# What if we move to UTC?
print((end.astimezone(timezone.utc) - start.astimezone(timezone.utc))\
trip_durations = []
for trip in onebike_datetimes:
# When the start is later than the end, set the fold to be 1
if trip['start'] > trip['end']:
trip['end'] = tz.enfold(trip['end'])
# Convert to UTC
start = trip['start'].astimezone(timezone.utc)
end = trip['end'].astimezone(timezone.utc)
# Subtract the difference
trip_length_seconds = (end-start).total_seconds()
# Take the shortest trip duration
print("Shortest trip: " + str(min(trip_durations)))
# Import pandas
import pandas as pd
# Load CSV into the rides variable
rides = pd.read_csv('capital-onebike.csv',
parse_dates = ['Start date','End date'])
# Print the initial (0th) row
# Subtract the start date from the end date
ride_durations = rides['End date'] - rides['Start date']
# Convert the results to seconds
rides['Duration'] = ride_durations.dt.total_seconds()
# Create joyrides
joyrides = (rides['Start station'] == rides['End station'])
# Total number of joyrides
print("{} rides were joyrides".format(joyrides.sum()))
# Median of all rides
print("The median duration overall was {:.2f} seconds"\
# Median of joyrides
print("The median duration for joyrides was {:.2f} seconds"\
.format(rides[rides['Start station'] == rides['End station']]['Duration'].median()))