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Improving the performance of an investment fund

You work as an analyst at an investment fund in New York. Your CFO wants to explore if it is a good idea to invest some of the fund's assets in Bitcoin. You have to prepare a report on this asset and how it compares to the stock market in general. Create a report that covers the following:

  • How does Bitcoin compare to the S&P 500?
  • Analyze Bitcoin's returns and volatility profile.
  • Explore building a portfolio using some or all of these assets.

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Top Crypto Commanders

Saluting the Masters of the DataCamp Electricity Competition.

1st place

The role of Bitcoin in a 3-asset portfolio

Schöttler's report offers a compelling recommendation for investors interested in exploring Bitcoin as part of their portfolio. As always, though, further research is necessary to fully understand the opportunities and risks associated with this exciting investment.

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2nd place

Neither too much, nor too little, but just right

Verevis's report offers a unique and insightful perspective on Bitcoin's role in a diversified portfolio. By carefully balancing gold, the S&P 500, and Bitcoin, investors can potentially see high returns while mitigating some of the risks associated with this exciting asset.

3rd place

The People vs Bitcoin?: An Analysis of Bitcoin as an Institional Investment

Nyasha Masamba's report analyzes the performance of Bitcoin, S&P 500, gold, and inflation to provide comprehensive recommendations for a fund manager's investment strategy. After conducting extensive data analysis, Masamba recommends the addition of Bitcoin to the fund's holdings as soon as possible.

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