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NYC Airbnb Data Analysis

Aktualisierte 12/2023
Apply data importing and cleaning skills to extract insights about the New York City Airbnb market.
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Im Lieferumfang enthaltenPremium or Teams

PythonData Manipulation45 Minuten9 Tasks1,500 XP5,352

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NYC Airbnb Data Analysis

In this project, you will apply your data importing and cleaning skills to uncover insights about the Airbnb market in New York City. You will import data from multiple file types and combine them to answer questions about the Airbnb market in New York. You will also use your string cleaning and date manipulation skills to extract accurate information from the datasets. The packages and tools used here are utilized by data scientists everyday since so much of the world's data is stored in unconventional formats and is not clean or analysis-ready.

NYC Airbnb Data Analysis

Apply data importing and cleaning skills to extract insights about the New York City Airbnb market.
Projekt kostenlos starten
  • 1

    Importing the Data

  • 2

    Cleaning the price column

  • 3

    Calculating average price

  • 4

    Comparing costs to the private rental market

  • 5

    Cleaning the room type column

  • 6

    What timeframe are we working with?

  • 7

    Joining the DataFrames.

  • 8

    Analyzing listing prices by NYC borough

  • 9

    Price range by borough

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