Predicting Credit Card Approvals
Aktualisierte 12/2023Projekt kostenlos starten
Im Lieferumfang enthaltenPremium or Teams
PythonData ManipulationMachine LearningApplied Finance45 Minuten12 Tasks1,500 XP35,564
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Predicting Credit Card Approvals
Predicting Credit Card Approvals
Build a machine learning model to predict if a credit card application will get approved.
- 1
Credit card applications
- 2
Inspecting the applications
- 3
Splitting the dataset into train and test sets
- 4
Handling the missing values (part i)
- 5
Handling the missing values (part ii)
- 6
Handling the missing values (part iii)
- 7
Preprocessing the data (part i)
- 8
Preprocessing the data (part ii)
- 9
Fitting a logistic regression model to the train set
- 10
Making predictions and evaluating performance
- 11
Grid searching and making the model perform better
- 12
Finding the best performing model
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