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Find Movie Similarity from Plot Summaries

Aktualisierte 09/2024
Use NLP and clustering on movie plot summaries from IMDb and Wikipedia to quantify movie similarity.
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Im Lieferumfang enthaltenPremium or Teams

PythonData ManipulationData VisualizationMachine LearningProbability & Statistics45 Minuten12 Tasks1,500 XP6,955

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Find Movie Similarity from Plot Summaries

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is an exciting field of study for data scientists where they develop algorithms that can make sense out of conversational language used by humans. In this Project, you will use NLP to find the degree of similarity between movies based on their plots available on IMDb and Wikipedia. The dataset contains the titles of the top 100 movies on [IMDb](https://www.imdb.com/) as well as each movie's plot summary from both IMDb and Wikipedia.

Find Movie Similarity from Plot Summaries

Use NLP and clustering on movie plot summaries from IMDb and Wikipedia to quantify movie similarity.
Projekt kostenlos starten
  • 1

    Import and observe dataset

  • 2

    Combine Wikipedia and IMDb plot summaries

  • 3


  • 4


  • 5

    Club together Tokenize & Stem

  • 6

    Create TfidfVectorizer

  • 7

    Fit transform TfidfVectorizer

  • 8

    Import KMeans and create clusters

  • 9

    Calculate similarity distance

  • 10

    Import Matplotlib, Linkage, and Dendrograms

  • 11

    Create merging and plot dendrogram

  • 12

    Which movies are most similar?

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