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Real-time Insights from Social Media Data

Aktualisierte 09/2024
Learn to analyze Twitter data and do a deep dive into a hot trend.
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Im Lieferumfang enthaltenPremium or Teams

PythonData ManipulationData VisualizationProbability & Statistics45 Minuten10 Tasks1,500 XP8,552

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Real-time Insights from Social Media Data

Fear of missing out, curiosity, self-esteem, speed: it's like social media has changed our basic human needs; these baits are keeping us hooked and engaged. And Twitter is a master at this *game*. Elon Musk's tweets keep Wall Street on its toes; Trump's tweets have the potential of starting wars — Twitter has this huge influence on the world because of the type of its users. Data from *Twitter-storms* is available in near real-time. This means we can learn about the big waves of thoughts and moods around the world as they arise. So of course, we are not going to miss the chance to analyze this treasure trove. In this Project, you will use pre-downloaded datasets to understand the nuts and bolts of Twitter Data. In particular, you will do a thorough analysis of a hot-trend. _Warning: Some of the tweets in the Twitter datasets contain explicit language._

Real-time Insights from Social Media Data

Learn to analyze Twitter data and do a deep dive into a hot trend.
Projekt kostenlos starten
  • 1

    Local and global thought patterns

  • 2

    Prettifying the output

  • 3

    Finding common trends

  • 4

    Exploring the hot trend

  • 5

    Digging deeper

  • 6

    Frequency analysis

  • 7

    Activity around the trend

  • 8

    A table that speaks a 1000 words

  • 9

    Analyzing used languages

  • 10

    Final thoughts

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