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Visualizing COVID-19

Aktualisierte 03/2024
Visualize the rise of COVID-19 cases globally with ggplot2.
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RData Visualization45 Minuten9 Tasks1,500 XP128,061

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Visualizing COVID-19

Within months, COVID-19 went from an epidemic to a pandemic. From the first identified case in December 2019, how did the virus spread so fast and widely? In this free R project, we will visualize data from the early months of the coronavirus outbreak to see how this virus grew to be a global pandemic. This project assumes you can manipulate data frames using `dplyr` and make plots using `ggplot2`.

Visualizing COVID-19

Visualize the rise of COVID-19 cases globally with ggplot2.
Kostenloses Projekt starten
  • 1

    From epidemic to pandemic

  • 2

    Confirmed cases throughout the world

  • 3

    China compared to the rest of the world

  • 4

    Let's annotate!

  • 5

    Adding a trend line to China

  • 6

    And the rest of the world?

  • 7

    Adding a logarithmic scale

  • 8

    Which countries outside of China have been hit hardest?

  • 9

    Plotting hardest hit countries as of Mid-March 2020

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