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Functions for Food Price Forecasts

Updated 09/2024
Write functions to forecast time series of food prices in Rwanda.
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Project Description

Writing functions make your analyses more readable and more repeatable. In this project, you'll perform an analysis of food prices in Rwanda, then wrap your code into functions in order to apply your analysis to other food types.

Throughout the project, the ability to import, wrangle, manipulate, and forecast data will come in handy.

Project Tasks

  1. 1
    Importing important price data
  2. 2
    Once more, with feeling
  3. 3
    Spring cleaning
  4. 4
    Potatoes are not a balanced diet
  5. 5
    Plotting the price of potatoes
  6. 6
    What a lotta plots
  7. 7
    Preparing to predict the future (part 1)
  8. 8
    Preparing to predict the future (part 2)
  9. 9
    Another day, another function to write
  10. 10
    The future of potato prices
  11. 11
    The final function
  12. 12
    Do it all over again




Data ManipulationData Visualization
Richie Cotton HeadshotRichie Cotton

Data Evangelist at DataCamp

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