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Ayokunle Samuel Adenigba

Ayokunle Samuel Adenigba

Data Engineer

ibvogt GmbH | Berlin, Germany


My Portfolio Highlights

My New Workbook

Analyzing unicorn company data

My New Course

Introduction to ChatGPT

My New Workbook


Insights evangelist, spreading the gospel of data-driven decision-making.

My Work

Take a look at my latest work.


Analyzing unicorn company data


Introduction to ChatGPT


Intermediate Object-Oriented Programming in Python



My Certifications

These are the industry credentials that I’ve earned.

Other Certificates

Microsoft Fabiric Analytics Engineer Associate

Engineering Institute of Technology Big Data and Analytics in the Electricity Grid

Delft University of Technology Digitalization of Intelligent and Integrated Energy Systems

Florence School of Regulation, European University Institute Evolution of Electricity markets in Europe

DataCamp Course Completion

Take a look at all the courses I’ve completed on DataCamp.

My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

ib vogt GmbH | Jan 2022 - Present

Data Analytics Engineer

Solutions developed 1. End to-End Data Solution Brief description and usage: This solution supports recurring Engineering Development product and services. Used by several teams and design Engineers to derive data and design constraints that will serve as input for simulation software. I developed, and maintain the end-to-end data solution that collects, validates and processes user requests for historical metrological data of different geographical locations from several 3rd-party data providers, required for engineering simulations. The solution includes a Microsoft power app, On-premise SQL server databases and stored procedure, power automate flows that implement several complex logic to achieve 3rd-party API connections, JSON, XML and csv data preprosessing, loading and status reporting to users and admin via email and Microsoft teams notifications. The collected data is processed and visualized in power BI. The solution is a managed solution with continous deployment cycle using Microsoft based Git and software developement tools on the microsoft power platform. Key Values:  ~50% reduction in the time required to collect and prepare input data for engineering simulation.  Cost saving on new projects where the proposed location/coordinates is in close proximity to exisitng projects 2. Python based application for Extract-Transform-Load pipelines, Solar PV System Performance and Root-Cause Analysis, complex analysis, visualisation and reporting. Brief Description and usage: This python package/solution supports realisation, commissioning and post-construction milestones for each solar project. • Develop andmaintain python functions, classes and new features for the ingestion, cleaning, performance analysis and prediction workfows of solar and meteorological data, exporting pacquet files for PowerBI model. • Set-up of site SCADA data transfer to FTP server using python development frameworks for automatic signal integrity check.
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ib vogt GmbH | Sep 2020 - Jan 2022

Data Analyst

Specialized analysis of PV design and installation concepts using operational data and custom set-up to optimize future design and achieve operational excellence. *Extra loss analysis not accounted for in system hourly simulation with high overload ratio. *East-west design and impart on ambient temperature. *Realistic Bifacial gains analysis at different regions *Soiling loss and cleaning frequency gain for site at various geographical locations. *String distribution across MPPT input channel of inverters and related effect on effciency/temperature *Energy Output modelling

Hash Analytic | Apr 2020 - Aug 2020

Data Analyst

Data analysis and visualization with Tableau to provide better insights into clients' data. Developed actionable decisions to achieve business objectives using data analysis tools in python.

Nexgen Energy and Allied Services Limited | Jan 2016 - Jan 2019

Solar(PV) Sales Engineer

• Developed successful proposals for behind-the-meter Solar PV energy projects(design, installation and maintenance contracts). • Analysed energy usage data to identify potential savings and system performance of proposed solution for various customers. • Financial models and incentives reviews related to solar energy, such as ROI, payback periods, and incentives mechanism. • Used Microsoft tools to track leads, sales activity and customer interaction.

Renewables Academy (RENAC) | Jan 2018 - Jan 2018

Engineering Trainee

- PV applications and technology. - PV off-grid systems (system applications, configuration and components, design and sizing) - Planning of large-scale PV grid-connected systems (plant components, feasibility study, yield assessment, contracts and legal aspects, infrastructure, construction and operation)

My Education

Take a look at my formal education

Master of Science , Global Production Engineering (GPE)Technische Universität Berlin | 2022
Energy Regulation and Electricity MarketsEuropean University Institute | 2021
Bachelor of Engineering - BE, Electrical and Electronics EngineeringCovenant University | 2015

About Me

Ayokunle Samuel Adenigba

With over 9 years of experience in energy and climate data, I have extensive domain experience using leading industry tools and platforms to develop and engineer data solution for business problems.

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