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Anass El Basraoui

Anass El Basraoui

Master Student

ENSAI | France


My Portfolio Highlights

My New Article

Modèle de classification des nourrissons en bonne santé et ceux diagnostiqués en retard de maturation cardiaque

My New Course

Extreme Gradient Boosting with XGBoost

My New Course

Machine Learning with Tree-Based Models in Python

Data visionary, envisioning a future transformed by the power of information. "Let Data Talk"

My Work

Take a look at my latest work.


Application of Deep Learning for the detection of vests and PPE in the Supply Chain


Analysis and visualisation of a company data table in the USA.


Modèle de classification des nourrissons en bonne santé et ceux diagnostiqués en retard de maturation cardiaque


My Certifications

These are the industry credentials that I’ve earned.

Other Certificates

Coursera Introduction to Data Science in Python

DataCamp Extreme Gradient Boosting with XGBoost

DataCamp Data Manipulation with pandas

DataCamp Intermediate SQL

DataCamp Introduction to Deep Learning in Python

DataCamp Joining Data with pandas

DataCamp Machine Learning with Tree-Based Models in Python

DataCamp Course Completion

Take a look at all the courses I’ve completed on DataCamp.

My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

Direction Generale de l'Aviation Civile | Jun 2024 - Aug 2024

Internship: Modeling and Classification of Aircraft Contaminants Adhesion in Winter Conditions

Modeling of the Longitudinal Friction Coefficient (LFC) related to winter contaminants (fresh snow, compacted snow, ice, slush, etc.) First Mission: Quality verification of the database (after standard cleaning): Explanatory variables: Definition of stability criteria and validation thresholds for each observation. Response variable: Study of the reproducibility and repeatability of LFC measurements across all observations. Second Mission: Modeling of the LFC based on explanatory variables for each contaminant (8 contaminants = 8 models) using a "piecewise constrained penalized linear regression" for interpretability purposes (achieving a good level of interpretability and predictability), followed by a "black-box modeling" using Random Forest and XGBoost models to enhance predictability. Third Mission: Study of the inverse relationship: classification of the eight contaminants based on the LFC and its interaction with other explanatory variables.
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Groupe COSUMAR | Jun 2023 - Aug 2023

Internship: Application of Deep Learning for the Detection of Safety Vests and PPE Usage in the Supply Chain

Implementation of a YOLO (You Only Look Once) real-time object detection model for detecting the use of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) by Cosumar employees in the Supply Chain.

Haut Commissariat au Plan | Jul 2022 - Aug 2022

Internship: Adaptation of the UNESCO International Standard Classification of Education to the National Context

Updating the nomenclature of all Moroccan diplomas for the 2024 General Census of the Moroccan Population. (Adaptation of the UNESCO International Standard Classification of Education to the national context) I had the unique opportunity to be the only intern involved in updating the national diploma nomenclature, a task that hadn't been revised in the last 30 years.

My Education

Take a look at my formal education

Master’s Degree in Engineering (Dual Degree Program from ENSAI and INSEA) in Data Science & Statistical EngineeringENSAI - Rennes, France | 2025
Master’s Degree in Engineering in Data ScienceINSEA - Rabat, Morocco | 2023
Preparatory Classes for Engineering Schools in Mathematics and Physics (MP)Mohamed V High School, Casablanca | 2021
International Baccalaureate, French Option in Mathematical Sciences ALycée Bajja, Ben Ahmed-Settat | 2019

About Me

Anass El Basraoui

I studied at INSEA specializing in data science, and I also studied engineering at ENSAI, specializing in data science and statistical engineering, as part of a double degree program between INSEA and ENSAI (visit my LinkedIn for more information).

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