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André Fernandes

André Fernandes

Master Student

University of Aveiro | Portugal


My Portfolio Highlights

My New Github

GitHub - vBarFace/ADVANCED-TRAFFIC-ANALYSIS-FROM-FIXED-CAMERA-VIDEO-DATA: This repository contains content developed with the aim of obtaining a degree in Computer Engineering at the University of Aveiro.

My New Github

GitHub - vBarFace/Kaggle_Titanic_Competition

My New Github

GitHub - vBarFace/Kaggle-Digit-Recognizer

Insightful strategist, envisioning new possibilities through data foresight.

My Work

Take a look at my latest work.


GitHub - vBarFace/Kaggle-Digit-Recognizer


Coursera | Online Courses


GitHub - vBarFace/Kaggle_Titanic_Competition


GitHub - vBarFace/ADVANCED-TRAFFIC-ANALYSIS-FROM-FIXED-CAMERA-VIDEO-DATA: This repository contains content developed with the aim of obtaining a degree in Computer Engineering at the University of Aveiro.

My Certifications

These are the industry credentials that I’ve earned.

Other Certificates

DeepLearning.AI & Stanford University Machine Learning SpecializationMachine Learning Specialization

DeepLearning.AI & Stanford University Unsupervised Learning, Recommenders, Reinforcement Learning

DeepLearning.AI & Stanford University Advanced Learning Algorithms

DeepLearning.AI & Stanford University Supervised Machine Learning: Regression and Classification

DataCamp Course Completion

Take a look at all the courses I’ve completed on DataCamp.

My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

Viagem Medieval in Santa Maria da Feira | Aug 2022 - Aug 2022


During the period from August 3 to 14, 2022, I participated in Viagem Medieval, held in Santa Maria da Feira as a volunteer. I was assigned the function of "Support to Shows". My role as a volunteer consisted of several tasks: delimiting restricted and necessary areas for the performance of shows and carrying out their control; accompanying processions/parades and ensuring that they proceeded normally and safely; manage entrances to stands as well as their capacity. As this is an event that receives thousands of people daily, with the tasks I performed, I was able to gain experience in teamwork, interact with different event visitors and deal with constant adverse situations. In addition, I worked together with civil protection. In 2023, I repeated the experience, being promoted to leader of 2 teams.
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World Taekwondo | Sep 2016 - Dec 2018

Taekwondo Coach

During my time as a Taekwondo athlete, I trained different age groups several times. These situations occurred when my coach was unable to give the training. On the same day, three training sessions were taught, one for each age group, and all the planning for it was up to me, from warm-up to the technical part, adapted for each age group, using my experience as an athlete. The first group included children from 4 to 7 years old, the second from 7 to 13 years old and, finally, over 14 years old.

World Taekwondo | Sep 2008 - Dec 2018


I started practicing Taekwondo back in 2008 when I was 7 years old. This sport has a competitive aspect which catched my eye since the beginning. Over the time, I started to compete only in Portugal tournaments. My coach, at a certen time, decidede that I was ready to compete in foreign country's such as Belgium, The Netherlands, Spain and France. My biggest moment as an athlete was represent Portugal Nacional Team twice. My career had the period of my middle and high school. Bellow is my sporting achievements of all time: 🥇X Jogos Desportivos CPLP (Portugal Nacional Team) 🇨🇻 🥇🥇Indoor Brussels International Tournament 🇧🇪 🥇Open Taekwondo Cidade Lourosa- International 🇵🇹 🥇🥇Campeonato Distrital Taekwondo S. C. C 🇵🇹 🥇🥇Open Internacional de Sintra de Taekwondo 🇵🇹 🥇Campionato Internacional Cidade Ribeira 🇪🇸 🥇🥇🥇🥇Campeonato Nacional de Taekwondo🇵🇹 🥇Open Internacional Taekwondo Cidade de Pontevedra 🇪🇸 🥇Seixalíadas 🇵🇹 🥇Open Internacional Cidade de Peniche 🇵🇹 🥇Copa Cidade da Coruna 🇪🇸 🥇🥇Open Vila de Moana 🇪🇸 🥇🥇Open Jovens D'ouro 🇵🇹 🥇Torneio de Taekwondo Estrelas Susanenses Valongo 🇵🇹 🥇🥇Open Internacional Cando 🇵🇹 🥈Open de Espanha Taekwondo G1 🇪🇸 🥈🥈Torneio "Amizade" Nazaré 🇵🇹 🥈🥈Open Internacional Cando 🇵🇹 🥈Campionato Internacional Cidade Riveira 🇪🇸 🥈Open Vila de Moana 🇪🇸 🥈Seixalíadas 🇵🇹 🥈Open de Portugal 🇵🇹 🥉Dutch Masters Open 🇳🇱 🥉🥉🥉Open Internacional Cando 🇵🇹 🥉Torneio "Amizade" Nazaré 🇵🇹 🥉Open Taekwondo Cidade Lourosa - Internacional 🇵🇹 🥉Open de Portugal 🇵🇹 🏅European Taekwondo Cadete(Portugal Nacional Team) Championships (4th place) 🇫🇷 🏅🏅Open de Espanha Taekwondo G1 🇪🇸 🏅Dutch Open Taekwondo Championships G1 🇳🇱 🏅Luxembourg Open G1 🇱🇺 🏅WTF G1 Belgian Open 🇧🇪

My Education

Take a look at my formal education

Masters in Computational EngineeringUniversity of Aveiro | 2025
Degree in Computational EngineeringUniversity of Aveiro | 2022

About Me

André Fernandes

Currently, I am a Masters student in Computational Engineering where I attend the second year. I look to develop my skills in order to improve my career as an engineer, with experiences that allow me to grow and become a better person and professiona

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