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Jonatas Sampaio Carvalho De Carlos

Jonatas Sampaio Carvalho De Carlos


Senior Software Engineer



My Portfolio Highlights

My New Course

Data Structures and Algorithms in Python

My New Certification

Data Analyst Associate

My New Certification

Python Data Associate

Analytical pathfinder, blazing trails to new insights and discoveries.

My Work

Take a look at my latest work.


Data Analyst Associate


Data Engineer Associate


Data Scientist Associate


Python Data Associate


My Certifications

These are the industry credentials that I’ve earned.

Python Data Associate

Python Data Associate

Data Analyst Associate

Data Analyst Associate

Data Engineer Associate

Data Engineer Associate

Data Scientist Associate

Data Scientist Associate

Other Certificates

Hacker Rank Software Engineer

DataCamp Course Completion

Take a look at all the courses I’ve completed on DataCamp.

My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

geprode | May 2024 - Dec 2024

Senior Software Engineer

- Implementation of data analysis systems and predictive analyses for infrastructure projects, such as the São Paulo Metro. - Development of the geoRISCO application for predicting settlements in Infrastructure Works, operational in the São Paulo Metro, and expanded in 2025 to Chile, Ecuador, and Canada. - Planning and development of relational databases for Georisco and Georisco ADMIN systems, using PostgreSQL and Python. - Development of the front-end (React.Native and TypeScript) and back-end (Python with Flask) of the geoRISCO monitoring dashboard, integrated with Amazon Pinpoint. - Performance analysis of linear regression models, achieving an R² of 95.13%, and adaptation to Random Forest and XGMBoost, achieving an R² of 99.70%. - Definition of software architecture following Clean Architecture principles. - Utilisation of Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) for ETL processes of Data Warehouse. - Development of solutions including process automation, chatbot creation, and automated ETL with Amazon Glue and Amazon Redshift. - Handling and extraction of data from infrastructure works, working with spreadsheets and flat files. - Creation and management of SQL and NoSQL databases using PostgreSQL and MongoDB. - Configuration of IIS servers and creation of effective APIs (with FastAPI), reducing API latency to 0.2 seconds. - Ensuring code quality and maintaining technical documentation by implementing CI/CD tests and pipelines. - Utilisation of agile methodologies (Scrum, Kanban) for project planning and execution. - Collection of user feedback and usage data, using Amazon Pinpoint and Amazon Amplify, ensuring a good customer experience.
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SCDC Labs | Jan 2020 - May 2024

Desenvolvedor de software

In this position, I successfully developed and delivered great products to my freelance clients. The jobs goes from web scrapers, crawlers, and compressing algorithms, all the way to trading strategies to automate my client's trades. Everything was done using Python and object-oriented programming with Data Driven approach to honor my Data Science and Data Analytics background from DataCamp with Pandas, Matplotlib, Numpy and Seaborn driving each and every job I did. As I had too many clients with big jobs, it was my responsibility to deal with every project the best way possible and to reach this I used Jira together with the Agile approach to plan each and every step, I can say for sure that this alone made me a better software developer. When working with Upwork clients, I understood the clients needs to have good responses and in time ones, so every client of mine had access to my phone number to reach me anytime they needed, and if something failed or they needed my help, I was there anytime for their journey. Even with clients who did not hire me, if the project that they were doing could leverage my abilities to the next level, my approach was to develop the code and save it for later, because if another client ask me for a similar project I would be ready for it in no time. Some of these projects can also be seen in my GitHub profile. I

Projeto filantrópico JUST DO ITA-IME | Jan 2012 - Jan 2023

Mantenedor, dono e professor


My Education

Take a look at my formal education

Python para Ciência de DadosDataCamp | 2023
Python Básico ao Avançado e Raspberry Pi  · (janeiro de 2018 - janeiro deAlura | 2019

About Me

Jonatas Sampaio Carvalho De Carlos

As a Python developer with expertise in Data Analytics and Data Science, I have successfully completed various freelancing projects on the Upwork platform.

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