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Brajan Buława

Quality Specialist

RWS Group


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My New Course

Introduction to SQL

My New Track

SQL Fundamentals

Analytical conductor, harmonizing data symphonies for actionable insights.

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Understanding Data Science


Introduction to SQL


Intermediate SQL

DataCamp Course Completion

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My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

RWS Group | Jan 2017 - Present

Quality Specialist w RWS Group

- suggesting and introducing improvements to the functioning and processes of Quality Evaluations Team, - implementing changes, solving issues, updating and customizing QE Reports and data collecting Logs (MS Excel), - issuing CARs and controlling follow-up procedures related to no-pass results, - decision making and problem solving, - planning and coordinating Quality Evaluations of translations, - preparing samples containing translated XLIFF files and refernece materials needed to perform Quality Evaluations, - recruiting and negotiating rates with selected vendors, - collecting and checking data from SDL offices, - analyzing data - looking for trends, - preparing presentations and dashboard reports based on the data collected, - use of CAT tools (SDLX, SDL Trados Studio, SDL Multiterm) and other IT tools (MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, SDL Hub, CAR system, HR Global) on a daily basis, - performing Root Cause Analysis process (identifying root causes & corrective actions for no-pass 3rd Party Quality Evaluations).
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SDL | Nov 2015 - Jan 2017

Associate Localization Quality Coordinator

- planning and coordinating Quality Evaluations of translations, - preparing samples containing translated XLIFF files and refernece materials needed to perform Quality Evaluations, - recruiting and negotiating rates with selected vendors, - collecting and checking data from SDL offices, -analyzing data (looking for trends, potential improvement points), - preparing presentations and dashboard reports based on the data collected, - use of CAT tools (SDLX, SDL Trados Studio, SDL Multiterm) and other IT tools (MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, SDL Hub, CAR system, HR Global) on a daily basis, - performing Root Cause Analysis process (identifying root causes & corrective actions for failed evaluations).

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