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Simon Growcott

Simon Growcott

Data Analyst

Department for Education | United Kingdom


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Introduction to SQL

Insights architect, constructing bridges between data and actionable strategies.

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Understanding Data Visualization


Introduction to SQL


Intermediate SQL


Introduction to ChatGPT

DataCamp Course Completion

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My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

Department for Education | Apr 2012 - Present

Senior Funding Manager

Expertise in education funding providing customer service to key stakeholder, from academies, local authorities to Regional Schools Commissioners. Lead for specialist funding Enquiry Management for academies. Lead for Management Information reporting of Enquiries to Senior Management Teams. Lead for Knowledge Management and training of customer services leads in EFA Enquiry Service. Drafter of official correspondence related to education funding for academies. Assist with development of funding models and analysis.
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Young People's Learning Agency | Feb 2010 - Apr 2012

Policy and Planning Officer

budget management of the North West Inclusion budget, standing at over £27 million. These tools were subsequently used as a model for reporting at a National level directly to Government departments. • Following a reshaping exercise to move from a regional structure to a broader territory structure, acted as the lead for inclusion data for the Northern territory. • Prepared regular reports and detailed spreadsheets to external bodies interested in the management of this budget, including a Regional Planning Group consisting of senior members of North West Local Authorities. • Contributed directly to the Young People’s Learning Agency’s North West Strategic Analysis which was presented to senior levels of Local Authorities across the region. • Provide ad-hoc data and analysis to Local Authorities as requested. Achievements • North West LLDD Budget remained within budget and made increased efficiency savings on previous years • Tools developed for forecasting and budget management implemented on a National level

LSC | Dec 2008 - Feb 2010

LLDD Adviser

As LLDD Adviser my duties were to provide advice, support and analysis to the Greater Merseyside partnership teams regarding LLDD provision across the region, including the following duties : Lead on implementing LSC procedures for deciding on funding requests for specialist residential colleges across the region, including leading on Placement Panel Meetings with external agencies such as Local Authorities, Schools, and Social Services. Provide advice and support to external agencies above regarding procedures and evidence requirements for applications to reach panel stage.

LSC | Jan 2008 - Dec 2008

Partnership Administrator

As Partnership Administrator my duties were to provide support and analysis to the local partnership teams and the area economic development team by : Developed advanced Management Information analysis to track and compare key performance indicators for associated colleges and providers within the local area. As part of this analysis, I developed a Traffic Light Reporting system and subsequently attended working group to adopt this as a regional reporting standard. Assisted Partnership Teams by drafting letters, maintaining an efficient filing and postal system, maintaining an efficient contacts system and developing an internal IT directory system to all computer based information. Ensuring efficient running of the office, including responsibilities for facilities management, stationary provision, and invoice processing.

Office of Celia Barlow MP for Hove and Portslade | Jul 2006 - Jul 2007

Casework Manager

Casework Management of issues raised by constituents via Parliamentary Advice Surgery or correspondence - requiring expert research skills to analyse complex and diverse policy issues and provide recommendations for action. Implement solutions to casework through representations to and negotiations with central and local government departments, companies and other high profile contacts through official correspondence and direct meetings as required. Draft briefings for Ministerial meetings and speeches in the House of Commons. Led on development on-line database for managing casework - allowing secure 24/7 access to case files - incorporating over 8 years of casework notes from the previous Member of Parliament through digitalisation.

Holiday Cottages Group | Jan 2004 - Jul 2006

Marketing Analyst

Holiday Cottages Group is a part of Cendant VRG, a global American corporation providing travel, insurance, and financial services, and is the market leader in self-catering cottages in the UK, and rapidly growing in the European market. The Marketing department serves brand managers and directors by implementing mailings, reporting on mailing results and sources of business, and driving strategic direction through targeting potential prospects. The role involves supporting company directors and brand managers by: Recommending and selecting customers for national mailings based on brand manager specifications, ensuring all data selections comply with industry guidelines, and supplying data to mailing houses for printing. Producing monthly reports on mailing results, sources of business and cross promotional activity. Responsibility for ensuring integrity and accuracy of customer database by actioning required amendments Providing in depth analysis of customer purchasing trends and behaviour to aid strategic decision making, e.g. demographic analysis, segmentation profiling and customer focussed targeting via propensity modelling. Liaise with external consultant firms in providing background analysis and research for strategic decision making. Co-ordinate with other marketing departments such as E-Marketing and Marketing Services to undertake ad hoc projects, including purchasing external data lists and developing an internal marketing intranet site. Achievements : Designed and implemented improved procedures for developing mailings and reporting results across the business. Negotiated 25% price reductions from suppliers of external data lists. Devised customer propensity models across key brands, resulting in a 3% increase in cross brand conversion. Designed and implemented an internal information system for sharing analysis with key contacts. Recognised as the departmental expert in Excel and SPSS operation and syntax.

Focus DIY | Aug 2001 - Jul 2002

Category Assistant

Maintained supplier information, trading agreements and product databases. Lead for contract management services for existing and potential product suppliers. Co-ordinated links between Buying department and Quality Assurance, Operations and Logistics Lead for developing management information and sales analysis. Lead on development on statistical forecasting models which led to improvements in promotions strategy. Achievements : Bathrooms department exceeded sales targets for 2001 by 3% and ranked first overall for revenue. Supplier cost savings following merger with Great Mills exceeded targets by 3% Excel model developed to harmonise products following merger adopted as business standard. Led on a new product promotion which exceeded sales forecasts by 40% and was subsequently incorporated into the core range.

Congleton Borough Council | Oct 1998 - Jun 1999

Administration Assistant

Management of Electoral Roll for the Council area Assisted with Procurement for all Council sites Assisted with management of the Council Print Room Drafted briefings for Councillors and assisted in management of Council meetings Achievements : Briefing on Home Office Guidance to Councillor Candidates adopted as departmental standard

Aberystwyth International Politics Society | Jan 1997 - Jan 1998

Vice President

Development of social functions and arranging speakers for members of the Society, and assisted in rewriting the Society's constitution.

Aberystwyth Students With Disabilities Society | Jan 1996 - Jan 1998


Provided a forum for discussions and facilitated development of social areas within the University for disabled students.

Aberystwyth Student Union | Jan 1995 - Jan 1998

Students With Disabilities Officer

Campaign Management, Equality Awareness Development, Casework. Key achievement of facilitating development of internet-enabled rooms in halls of residence for disabled students, one of the first Universities in the country to do so.

My Education

Take a look at my formal education

MBA, Management & BusinessAberystwyth University | 2001
BSc (Econ) Hons, International PoliticsAberystwyth University | 1998

About Me

Simon Growcott

Data Analyst for Department for Education

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