
Abdelrahman Mahmoud
Data Analyst
Egyptian Russian University | Egypt
My Portfolio Highlights
My New Track
Data Storytelling
My New Track
Data Analyst
My New Track
Data Storytelling
Data alchemist, transforming raw numbers into golden insights.
My Work
Take a look at my latest work.
GitHub - abdelrahmanmah/Predicting-Start-up-Success-with-Advanced-Predictive-Analytics: This repository contains the code and data for a project focused on predicting startup success using advanced predictive analytics. The startup ecosystem is highly dynamic and challenging, making it crucial for investors, entrepreneurs, and policymakers to accurately assess the potential of startups.
GitHub - abdelrahmanmah/Average-IQ-between-Countries-Analysis: Exploring the link between a nation's average IQ and socio-economic indicators reveals how intelligence intersects with education and economic development globally. Through rigorous analysis, we uncover patterns shaping societal well-being and development trajectories. Join us in unraveling this complex relationship.
GitHub - abdelrahmanmah/World-Happiness-Report-Data-Analysis: This project analyzes the World Happiness Report data to explore factors influencing happiness across countries. It includes descriptive data analysis, exploratory data analysis (EDA), and predictive data analysis
My Certifications
These are the industry credentials that I’ve earned.
Other Certificates
Coursera Python for Data Science, AI & Development
DataCamp Course Completion
Take a look at all the courses I’ve completed on DataCamp.
My Work Experience
Where I've interned and worked during my career.
Samsung Innovation Campus | Jul 2024 - Present
Big Data Analytics Trainee
My Education
Take a look at my formal education
Business Analytics The Egyptian Russian University - ERU | 2025
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