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Adedoyin Ajeyomi

Adedoyin Ajeyomi

Federal University of Technology Akure

Federal University of Technology Akure


My Portfolio Highlights

My New Project

Analyzing Unicorn Companies

My New Course

Introduction to Python

My New Track

SQL Fundamentals

Data virtuoso, orchestrating symphonies of information.

My Work

Take a look at my latest work.


Introduction to SQL


Intermediate SQL


Introduction to Python

DataCamp Course Completion

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My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

Integral Bridge Solution | Jul 2022 - Present

Data Consultant

the data collected by the interviewer on the field, the python code was used to validate if a data collector visited the assigned location and collected the right data. This was done based on some Geospatial rules designed by me and my team We developed a monitoring dashboard that shows the total number of wrong and right data collected on the field by each data collector. This validation information is updated on the dashboard and was also used to monitor the performance of each enumerator. The over 12,000 officers were sent to different enumeration areas across the nation and were closely monitored using this dashboard. Presentations of weekly reports of the performances of the field enumerator and the total overview of the surveying activities at the National, State, and local levels. Working in a team of six as the project manager/team lead to make sure everything goes as planned. I was supervised by the CEO of integral Bridge who is my direct supervisor.
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Wastespy | Jul 2021 - Feb 2022

GIS Analyst | Field Support


The Sixth Avis | Jan 2021 - Mar 2021

Data Analyst

I designed field questionnaires in both English and French using kobotool collect. Data cleaning and analysing of data collected from the field

Self Employed | Oct 2020 - Present

Geographic Information Systems Analyst

Solving of GIS Lab courses Assignments. Working from home to support different Gis Professionals on different Projects.

Propcom Mai-karfi | Oct 2020 - Mar 2021

Remote Sensing and GIS Analyst

I and my team worked on using FAO EXACT tool to estimate Green house Gas in North some Western and North Eastern states of Nigeria due to Propcom Mai-karfi interventions(agroforestry, crop farming, poultry, Mechanization, cookstoves). We also did a landuse Landcover Classifocation of six consecutive years (2013-2019) for the 9 states and we use Terrset Land Modeling tool for Landuse Landcover prediction which other independent variables were also included. I also worked on the report writing and visualization of result with the team.

Degree Group LTD | Jul 2020 - Jan 2021

Student Internship

Data Science, GIS and Remote Sensing

Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project (NEWMAP) | Aug 2020 - Aug 2020

GIS Technician

GeoDatabase Design and Management Data Cleaning Preparation, Manipulation and Analysis. (using Ms Excel) Spatial Analytics Hydrological modelling in Arcmap

Federal University of Technology Akure | Oct 2016 - Present



My Education

Take a look at my formal education

Bachelor of Technology - BTech, Remote Sensing and Geoscience Information System Federal University of Technology Akure | 2021

About Me

Adedoyin Ajeyomi

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