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Aditya Kumar Mishra

Aditya Kumar Mishra

Data Analyst

Masterschool | Munich


My Portfolio Highlights

My New Course

Case Study: Analyzing Customer Churn in Tableau

Statistical poet, weaving elegant stories with the threads of data.

My Work

Take a look at my latest work.


Introduction to SQL


Intermediate SQL


Analyzing TV Data


Introduction to Python


Intermediate Python


Churn Analysis At Databel


My Certifications

These are the industry credentials that I’ve earned.

Other Certificates

Datacamp Intermediate Google Sheets

Datacamp PostgreSQL Summary Stats and Window Functions

Datacamp Connecting Data in Tableau

Datacamp Case Study: Analyzing Customer Churn in Tableau

Datacamp Introduction to Google Sheets

Datacamp Data-Driven Decision Making in SQL

Datacamp Functions for Manipulating Data in SQL

Datacamp Joining Data in SQL

Datacamp Applying SQL to Real-World Problems

Datacamp Intermediate SQL

Datacamp Introduction to SQL

Datacamp Exploratory Data Analysis in SQL

Datacamp Data Manipulation in SQL

Datacamp Financial Analytics in Google Sheets

Datacamp Conditional Formatting in Google Sheets

Datacamp Introduction to Statistics in Google Sheets

Datacamp Data Visualization in Google Sheets

Datacamp Pivot Tables in Google Sheets

Datacamp Data Analysis in Google Sheets

Datacamp Understanding Data Visualization

Datacamp Introduction to Tableau

Datacamp Introduction to Statistics

Datacamp Analyzing Data in Tableau

Datacamp Statistical Techniques in Tableau

Datacamp Creating Dashboards in Tableau

Datacamp Data Storytelling Concepts

DataCamp Course Completion

Take a look at all the courses I’ve completed on DataCamp.

My Work Experience

Where I've interned and worked during my career.

NSDIC | Jun 2024 - Present

Data Analyst Intern


Masterschool | May 2023 - Jun 2024


Project No. 1: TravelTide, prominent online booking platform for travel, specializes in offering discounted airplane tickets and hotel accommodations to its users. Through comprehensive SQL analysis, this project aimed to provide TravelTide with actionable insights into flight booking patterns and user behaviors. By leveraging findings from these queries, TravelTide can optimize its services, enhance user satisfaction, and strengthen its position as leading online travel booking platform. Project No. 2: In-depth examination of RevRoll's (an auto parts dealer and installer) business operations using SQL. Identified patterns and trends in sales, installations, and customer interactions to inform better business decisions and enhance overall performance. This project delivered comprehensive SQL analysis which enhanced RevRoll's understanding of customer behavior, improved targeted marketing efforts, and optimized inventory management. This data-driven approach can help RevRoll's goal of increasing sales, improving customer satisfaction, and streamlining operations.
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My Education

Take a look at my formal education

Certificate in Data AnalyticsMasterschool | 2024
Master of Laws - LLM, International Law and Legal Studies in Public International LawUniversity of Amsterdam | 2022
BA LLB (Hons), Energy LawUniversity of Petroleum and Energy Studies | 2016

About Me

Aditya Kumar Mishra

Driven by a passion for uncovering insights through data and honed skills in exploratory data analysis and business needs analysis at Masterschool's Data Analytics Training Program. Proficient in SQL, Excel, Google Sheets, Tableau and Python.

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